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This card was fun when it was first printed. Knights, Orders, and Dervishes were running around everywhere, and this was a good answer if you were playing green, blue, or black. (try killing a White Knight when playing mono-black, using cards no newer than from Ice Age!) Sure, it's pretty obsolete now, but I have a soft spot for it.
Posted By: scumbling1 (5/10/2011 7:02:03 PM)


Colorless damage can bypass protections from colors, and activation doesn't require any color mana either. Very nice card.
Posted By: Cyberium (6/13/2010 2:27:44 PM)


This is Moonglove Extract's granddad, and can come into play a turn earlier but costs 1 to activate. If you use it the same turn you cast it, it's actually the same in terms of cost. Few cards from that era are as mana-efficient, or scale as well given the passage of time and power creep. Mudbutt_on is exactly right about this - never underestimate the power of colorless damage and debuffs in an environment where some creatures are extremely hard to kill in mono or double color decks. Serrated Arrows from Homelands was also good for this reason (and its added utility killing regenerators too).
Posted By: Equinox523 (6/1/2011 9:40:29 AM)


One of the better Fallen Empires cards. A Shock that can be used regardless of what color you're playing, even a slow one, is not an ability to be taken lightly. It'd probably never get reprinted nowadays, due to Wizards paying more attention to the color pie and all, but back then it was a nice little artifact that could kill all manner of weenies, particularly ones that had relevant color protection.
Posted By: JasonPaul601 (10/18/2012 5:55:49 PM)


The aeolipile is the prototype steam engine, invented by hero of Alexandria in Ancient Greece and named after Aeolus, the Greek god of wind. It was a copper ball with vents on both poles that caused it to spin when heated.

I have no idea what that has to do with this grenade-flavored thing. Well, I guess if you threw an actual aeolipile at someone it would hurt pretty bad.
Posted By: Laguz (8/1/2013 1:57:05 PM)


Option 1: This may come out on turn two, with turn 3 leaving you two spare mana to play something else.

Option 2: This may come suddenly as a 3 mana 2 damage blast to target creature or player, I prefer hit the creature though.

When you compare this with Unyaro Bee Sting, you got to admit, this card is explosive.
Posted By: SorianSadaskan (1/20/2010 3:54:31 PM)


I still prefer Moonglove Extract, but it's comparable.
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (11/30/2009 9:39:59 PM)


HEY! It says "any target." That doesn't mean creature or player anymore, Wizards.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (1/4/2011 9:13:00 AM)


The molotov ***tail of Magic the Gathering. I feel like the additional cost to sacrifice it takes its usefulness down a notch.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (12/28/2009 9:58:34 AM)


Is it a bomb??
Yes it is.
IN a glass bottle.
(Molotov's cöcktail).
Posted By: Bursama (12/14/2010 10:41:35 AM)


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