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I can explain the art. Or at least, I can tell what they meant- I don't know why they did it this way though. :p

See the black dragon? It's holding the purple dragon in a Binding Grasp, chewing on that wing. Which makes it glow, turning it to your side. That black dragon is somehow a creature-incarnation of this spell. Or his teeth are casting it. Or...yeah, it's wierd.

But that seems to be what's happening.
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/15/2012 3:57:52 PM)


good if you can sac the creature or if you going to swing it at them .......for long term go for control magic
Posted By: Mindbend (6/30/2010 2:12:59 AM)


The art is cool. Its a little more splashable than Control Magic. I could see this reprinted today, the upkeep balances it out nicely.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/8/2011 5:11:51 PM)


I'm having a little trouble with the art. Is it two dragons fighting and you control the one that's glowing?

idk i like the dragon fight it just doesn't really convey "I control you"
Posted By: StagemasterK (9/21/2011 12:59:20 AM)


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