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What's with all the Xtreme Sports Goblins? I've seen bobsled, snowboard, now skis... Love it! Can't wait for the Elite Goblin BMX Squad.
Posted By: GradiustheFox (2/27/2010 4:53:52 PM)


Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician can ski?!
Posted By: NARFNra (11/19/2010 10:36:52 PM)


Awesome flavour, also if you don't want to sacrifice him you can use Sundial of the Infinite .... although there are MUCH better cards to combo that with.
Posted By: tcollins (5/7/2012 3:11:12 PM)


@TPmanW: Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

If you use it with Sundial of the Infinite, here's what happens:

It does stay 3/1 flying permanently.
However, by the Oracle Text wording, you still have to sacrifice it at the start of the next end step. Using the Sundial to completely skip your end phase for a turn doesn't let you escape this; it only delays it until the next turn, since it means that that next turn's end step is the "next end step."

Actually, thinking about it, I think you could possibly wait until the start of your next end step, when the sacrifice-this-creature ability goes on the stack, then in response activate Sundial of the Infinite to end the turn; the Sundial resolves first and ends the turn, causing everything on the stack to be discarded, and since you did have your "next end step" it won't activate it again.

Regardless, you cannot activate it a second time to make it 5/1, no matter what. Its ability, as the Oracle ruling says, can only be activated ... (see all)
Posted By: Aquillion (8/23/2013 9:20:21 PM)


If you run snow-covered lands, this is a decent little burn card. Huge bonus points for flavor and a hillarious picture.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (12/28/2009 11:47:34 AM)


Really not bad, just need to get me enough snow lands.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/15/2010 7:18:31 PM)


@SirZapdos - He becomes a 3/1 flier and stays that way, unless you activate him again and make him a 5/1, then a 7/1...
Posted By: TPmanW (5/26/2013 2:31:43 PM)


What happens if I use Sundial of the Infinite to end the turn prematurely? Does this guy stay a 3/1 flyer?
Posted By: SirZapdos (3/20/2012 10:42:30 AM)


Type your comment here.This card is delicious with flavour
Posted By: JechtMurray (12/20/2009 5:02:42 AM)


This card ispretty bad. It ends up being either 2 mana for a 1/1 or you lose it to do 2 more damage for 2 mana, and even then only if you have snow-covered lands.
Posted By: SweetZombiJesus (11/12/2010 5:37:52 AM)


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