Unless you plan to use it so many times that the exiling becomes an issue (that is, at least six to seven times), yup, this card is much better and strictly better than Treasure Trove.
If you do get to activate this better-than-Impulse effect six times, you can probably win the game without having to use it any more. Either that, or you built your deck wrong.
Posted By:
(7/19/2011 7:34:03 AM)
It's not often you see a blue goblin....
Posted By:
(12/20/2010 1:01:00 PM)
One of my favorite cards of all-time. Allows card-draw and massive opportunity to pick the card you want and thin out your deck. Once it thins your library to nothing, combos with Soldevi Digger to let you recur the remaining cards quicker.
Also combos with Zur's Wierding to allow card draw while shutting down your opponent.
Posted By:
(12/19/2010 6:27:37 AM)
Strictly better than Treasure Trove. It could be combo'd with scry-esque cards, however, its not necessary unless the scry is more or less free in all terms, or you'd be paying the price with cards/tempo.
Posted By:
(8/11/2009 11:20:36 PM)
This is something that had a special place in history. Paired with Soldevi Digger, it allowed card advantage like no other.
Alone, not that great.
Posted By:
(7/28/2009 8:46:45 AM)
This is a lot better than Treasure Trove, but it's not strictly better.
Posted By:
(2/6/2012 4:31:53 PM)
I browse... for eyebrows!
Posted By:
(8/28/2010 6:06:10 AM)
@ Alpha
... It's not strictly better than Treasure Trove. There two completely different cards.
People toss the word 'strictly' around way to much... and their usually wrong.
Posted By:
(7/18/2011 11:53:05 AM)
Posted By:
(1/16/2013 10:40:52 PM)
It's main usage is for combo, but it's bad for it because if you see two pieces of the combo you lose one. It's also 8 mana for the first activation, seeing play between T4 and T5; much later than combo enjoys.
That said, it searches deep and provides repeatable card advantage making it useful in EDH or Multiplayer. Mirror of fate can craft a perfect hand later as well.
Posted By:
(8/27/2013 9:25:56 AM)