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Community Rating: 3.860 / 5  (114 votes)
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One of my favorite aspects of this card is that a "loaded" one can help feed an "unloaded" one. I've occasionally done this:
1. Have two expeditions out, one with 2 counters and another with none
2. Bring a Forest out from my hand, giving a counter to each
3. Sac one of them, bring out 2 more Forests and giving 2 counters to the remaining expedition
4. Sac the other and give myself another 2 Forests
Five Forests in one turn. That's Green, my friends.
Posted By: Totema (12/5/2011 9:56:52 AM)


Totema, I really think you hit on the true purpose of this card; it's not Kodama's Reach or Cultivate, it's a landfall machine - you use one to pop another, letting you mass-landfall in one turn.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (1/27/2012 5:05:16 PM)


1. Forest / Birds of Paradise

2. Lotus Cobra / Forest / Lotus Cobra

3. Khalni Heart Expedition / Misty Rainforest / Primeval Titan / Forest
Forest / Sac Khalni / Forest / Forest / Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger

Seems pretty legit.
Posted By: Spartan_Lemon (2/29/2012 7:45:15 PM)


5/5 becoz it's for poor ppl like Me TT^TT

and for Ajani_is_da_man
I think he meant his comment "horrible .5"
Posted By: Infernaldarkness (11/26/2012 1:14:20 PM)


Oops, I made an error in my last statement, but can't find an Edit button! I forgot Twilight Shepherd, autocarding it correctly, and what it actually does :P... MY BAD haha.
Posted By: chiknstu (11/27/2012 8:23:29 PM)


Do remember that you can get this activated on turn 3 with little trouble, then you can realize that you don't use this to get lands 6 and 7, but rather 4 and 5.

T1: Forest, Mana Dork
T2: Khalni, Fetchland
T3: Forest

now you can get lands 4 and 5.

Additionally, this helps you get your tempo back up with ravnica bounce lands. Replace the fetchland in the above for a bounceland and possibly explore. This helps with mana-fixing, mana-ramping, etc, but not in the same way (or quite as eaily) as with other cards that get lands.

It's card advantage you have to work for but if you have 7 mana fatties this helps you have a gap in your mana curve. Fill out your 1,2, and 3 drops. Then move straight to 7 drops.

Keep in mind it thins your deck by 2 as well.

Even with all of that, I'll say it's a 3 or 3.5
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/20/2013 2:53:13 PM)



Turn 5: Draw land ;)
Posted By: Gruffaloes (6/30/2013 3:18:52 PM)


I absolutely love this card!

I use this in my 50 land Azusa EDH eldrazi deck. It is just about the most efficient mana ramp ever. Because it drops a turn before Azusa, I can play Azusa the next turn, play two more lands, pop the Expedition, and now on turn 3 I have seven lands. Absolutely insane! I am talking of course about a format where it actually pays off to have to have large amounts of mana available, so I am not speaking in the interest of 60 card constructed formats, where I am sure it would actually be fairly poor outside of casual builds. All in all though, the jump from 5 to 7 mana, or just the mass accumulation of lands, can be very critical in certain decks, and this card is great at getting you there. I much prefer it to Explosive Vegetation, since it has such a small initial commitment, costing only two mana. That is fantastic in EDH, which is not known for its wealth of critical two drops, which would otherwise be played that turn.

All in all, ex... (see all)
Posted By: Slyfox7777777 (4/19/2014 7:25:07 PM)


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