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This would have been soooooooooo cool as an uncommon or common, so that it could have been an archetype in draft.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (7/5/2010 8:58:50 PM)


This is so powerful, it should've been a legendary... *trollface*
Posted By: God_Of_The_Smurfs (8/30/2011 2:39:29 PM)


Combos with Cylian Sunsinger
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/24/2013 10:22:04 PM)


Bear with optional turbo mode is rareworthy? I think this should have been uncommon
Posted By: metalevolence (1/31/2011 1:01:18 PM)


I personally like the Sunsinger. Granted, she's much better when she has her fellow sunsingers out in play, but she can also do some major hurt early on in the game if you get the proper mana supplies; Normally, she's just a plain old Grizzly Bear, being a simple 2/2 green creature for 2 on turn 2. However, provided you get your 3rd Naya color on turn 3, she can then slug for 5, which will pretty much carve through most creatures an opponent would be capable of dropping that early on, which can gain you some board advantage, as your opponent will have to start coping with this looming threat. Also, being that she can grow into a 5+ power creature, this can foster some great cohesion with the other Naya creatures, allowing her to gain some nice boosts from the beasts that grant bonuses to their fellow 5+ power kin.
Posted By: Oleander (3/2/2009 11:18:25 PM)


Combine with Knotvine Mystic for best results
Posted By: grundledib (8/1/2009 4:38:12 PM)


this creature seems to like Pack Hunting.^^
Posted By: Mode (1/31/2009 6:21:36 AM)


Alone or with the other sunsingers, its still a really good card.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/24/2009 6:27:35 PM)


not a horrible card. I would be a bit disappointed if i opened her in a pack, but she's not unplayable. If you leave at least your 3 naya colors open, she intimidates attackers. Sure they could attack your simple 2/2 with their 4/4... but when your 2/2 is all of a sudden a 5/5, things arent as good as they once seemed
Posted By: EpicSeven (6/22/2009 5:35:23 PM)


I really like the artwork for the card and thought that the ability only affected other sunsingers, but wasn't sure. thanks for clearing this up for me. Now I just have to develop a naya deck around her......
Posted By: HowlinMadCoyote (6/28/2009 9:12:40 AM)


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