been running this in two-headed dragon with a ground based green beatdown partner, works surprisingly well when you have enough lands to drop him and give all your buddies landlubbers a lift, as long as the opposing team has no flying or reach.
Posted By:
(2/25/2010 5:40:07 PM)
What do you mean "We didn't see a single colored 3/3 flying four-drop without drawbacks until Chronozoa"
You pointed out Phantom Monster in the sentence right before you said that.
Which has been around since Alpha.
Anyway, this card should always be considered when building a deck that has few fliers and includes blue.
Posted By:
(6/26/2010 10:09:44 PM)
a game-winner in limited
Posted By:
(4/25/2010 5:41:50 PM)
This card is funny in a way... Ages ago, we had Phantom Monster. Then, we were told Phantom Monster was "too good" (because it's an efficient blue flyer? Because all the top decks were playing it?), and we were stuck with 10+ years of wimpy cousins to Phantom Monsters (Snapping Drake, etc.) clogging up boosters.
Then, this guy just subtly flies on by, totally blowing Phantom Monster out of the water. Took them long enough!
The oddest part: I bet they go back to printing wimpy Phantom Monster cousins after this guy sails out of Standard.
Posted By:
(1/16/2011 6:44:31 PM)
pretty solid in limited, but can stand on its own two legs (wings?) in casual constructed.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 11:06:52 PM)
It's a poor man's Eldrazi Monument.
That being said, it isn't horrible. It's a lategame finisher if you have the creatures and open blue mana to support it. That being said, since 90% of blue's aggro is already on wings, this guy begs one of blue's enemies to play along; mostly green, who can get you all that blue mana to help kick it in the first place.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 2:26:06 PM)
That does not look like the starship voyager...
Posted By:
(2/8/2010 8:05:50 PM)
Great, great card. I'm a Worldwake collector, and I didn't get ANY of these until my 25 booster. What are the odds of that?
Posted By:
(2/22/2011 6:00:59 PM)
Another useless uncommon from Worldwake.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 11:23:05 AM)
Strictly worse than Storm Crow.
Posted By:
(3/21/2010 10:13:24 PM)