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Community Rating: 2.741 / 5  (29 votes)
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... I might be wrong, but it looks like he's about ready to smack that fish like a volleyball.
Posted By: Zoah (10/17/2010 11:03:50 PM)


This guy owns a card/hobby shop in MI.
Posted By: mrclc (8/3/2011 8:31:40 PM)


"Hey, uh, this isn't a merfolk..."
"WHAT, it was supposed to be a merfolk?!?"
"Well..." *draws fish in background* "There, he's underwater- a merfolk."
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (11/20/2012 3:06:38 PM)


I always like it when I see a spell on a creature. In this case the spell is Force Spike. As with many such creatures, the threat of having to spend one extra can change the way someone plays the game - or forces the use of removal on this annoyance. While it's not amazing, and can be easily killed, it's not completely unplayable, especially considering the time it was printed.

As for power creep in modern Magic, just imagine a creature with Mana Leak sewn on. That would be insane.

As for the art...the art direction of early sets was often hilarious. You had, in the same set, this guy, and Melissa Benson's Vodalian Soldiers, who looked like the Lord of Atlantis of old. What can I say?
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/5/2013 8:04:16 AM)


Apart from the webbed hands, this looks like a human, not a merfolk.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/16/2010 6:09:03 AM)


... And the fact that he is underwater next to a fish?
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (6/1/2010 9:41:39 PM)


Volleyball anyone? More useful of a card than people realize.
Posted By: SGLinkmaster (5/20/2011 1:47:19 PM)


Annoying, though because of his fragility and expense, he won't show up in much of any deck these days. Still, I don't think there are that many potential "counterspell-wanna-bes on a stick" in the game.

Posted By: Radagast (9/22/2012 9:41:58 AM)


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