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Community Rating: 4.009 / 5  (212 votes)
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@shapcal - that is mostly black sources and not everyone plays black. we can play around that by using fist of iron wood or flickerform.
and every creature dies to that effect, its a given....
Posted By: chainsmoker (12/1/2011 3:56:16 AM)


My friend has an EDH deck around this guy. This is, without fail, every single three-player game:

1. We gang up on him, because he's Uril. We know what he does.
2. When he's effectively crippled and either can't play Uril or needs him to block, we turn our guns on each other because whoever finishes him off will be killed by the other guy.
3. Once one of us has eliminated the other, he plays four enchantments and swings in with a 25/25 flying hexproof indestructible double strike vigilance trample.

Normally that kind of comeback is the stuff of legends, but since it happens every game and we all expect it, it's not very entertaining.
Posted By: MisterAction (12/10/2011 4:38:11 PM)


Uril has a destiny to fulfill... The Angelic destiny!! An 11/11 flying, first striking, hexproof legendary angel wombat beastie. There's worse ways of spending 9 mana, that's for sure! lol Yikes!
Posted By: Mike-C (1/10/2012 5:55:03 PM)


Haha, so need this as my EDH general, commanding an army of licids. My early game creatures all give their general a boost when he's ready to swing FTW? yes please.
Posted By: orisiti (1/12/2012 10:11:23 AM)


@ MisterAction

Yeah, 3 player mtg games aren't very interesting. Your deck has to be capable of handling two opponents, or you sandbag the whole game, then either swing for the win at two players that spent all their resources fighting each other, or bust out your winning combo. This is how every 3 player match ends :(

This is a great general. Cool creature art, great ability, and Naya colors. 5/5 body and 5/5 rating.
Posted By: Zoltantf (1/17/2012 4:12:49 AM)


He is really powerful. And I see a lot of people Comparing Bruna, Light of Alabaster to him. However, in match between the 2, more often then not Bruna is going to kicked the living **** out of him.
Posted By: Yozuk (5/6/2012 8:45:31 PM)


I still prefer Johan as a naya general, he just feels more synergistic with the general feel of Naya than Uril does and allows for a much less "eggs in one basket" style deck than Uril EDH tends towards (Uril, 40 enchantments 39 lands, 20 tutors/card draw effects)
Posted By: Wormfang (6/3/2012 8:28:37 AM)


I block people playing this Commander on MTGO. It gets too big way too fast and it has hexproof. There's a reason this is one of the most hated commanders.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/22/2012 5:57:05 AM)


Dat art!
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (11/9/2012 10:25:27 PM)


I'm a little biased towards this guy, given he was my first ever Mythic Rare, but Uril's probably my favorite card in the game. He's a good 5 mana 5/5 beater, and he has hexproof. He has since been outclassed somewhat by Sigarda, Host of Herons, but his ability to become really big really fast never fails to impress me.

Naturally, I've proxied an EDH deck around him (granted, I didn't really know what other General I'd want to make a deck for). I decided not to go the 40 Aura completely Voltron route, as that would be excluding a lot of other cards like Sun Titan, Worldspine Wurm and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre which I also thought would be good in the deck. So I run a more creature and tech-heavy build. It seems to work well.

My friend also helped me build a Modern deck that's basically a Zoo variant with Aura support like Aura Gnarlid and Kor Spiritdancer, and... (see all)
Posted By: Brawler_1337 (4/7/2013 10:04:22 AM)


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