"Okay, your Lotus Cobra attacks me now."
"Yes. Siren says so."
"... But I don't want to!"
"Don't care. C'mon, Lorthos needs a hug."
A scenario I plan on making reality some day.
Posted By:
(11/20/2009 10:17:11 PM)
I'd like to use it, I have plenty of stuff I could get rid of with an Alluring Siren. I built a mono-blue mill/control deck, and part of what it does is either smash my opponent's creatures against a Wall of Frost or something that can kill it, or even better, smash them against something that can't be killed by damage and it may kill their creature and mills their deck....I'm thinking Swans of Bryn Argoll, now what I thought to do is maybe get 1 or two more copies of the Swans and what I'll do is use multiple Alluring Sirens to pull in a few creatures, especially if they're big ones, and have the Swans block each of them, causing them to draw way too many cards than they can hold (unless they have no maximum hand size) and making them waste alot of cards, even if they draw ones they want, it'll still put a good dent in their overall strategy. Once I had a Outrider en-Kor transfer about 24 damage to a Swan and made them dra... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/11/2009 9:36:25 PM)
i love the flavor text on this card!
Posted By:
(12/15/2009 2:15:50 PM)
Dude, Siren's call in creature form! With great art!!
Siren's Call is an old favorite of mine, and is extrememly helpful for knocking out meddling creatures and capitalizing on mis-matches in your favor.
Not a dominant ability, but a great one to have, at a paltry cost of 1U.
Posted By:
(1/15/2010 12:50:31 PM)
Contaminated bond, anyone?
Posted By:
(2/21/2010 2:55:09 PM)
Oh Zulp, I love you.
Posted By:
(5/5/2010 3:51:52 PM)
Should I use with a Silent Arbiter? I think so... ;-)
Posted By:
(6/15/2010 3:54:46 PM)
Interesting that WotC implemented a new creature type just for this thing. It does make it more flavorful, but one wonders how many sirens will come in the future.
Posted By:
(6/4/2011 11:43:22 AM)
MORE Chippy art I absolutely love anything Chippy does ever.
Posted By:
(8/2/2009 5:17:42 PM)
Neat synergy: You can save your planeswalkers from imminent doom (or losing their ultimate) by forcing a creature to attack you instead of them.
Posted By:
(5/1/2013 6:11:10 AM)