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Community Rating: 3.394 / 5  (71 votes)
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OH YEAH! Storm Crow, Get em with a CAW ATTACK!!
Posted By: Poptart50100 (6/18/2010 10:37:48 AM)


Great artwork, i smiled when i got one in one of boosters i opened... a nice addition in my MTG collection...i wont use this though, this wont fit in my deck...
Posted By: God_of_Destruction (7/23/2009 7:00:20 AM)


This card makes for an excellent combo with wall of frost. Alluring Siren will also help any player get rid of weakling creatures with annoying abilities (Birds of Paradise I'm looking at you). I do not get why people argue this is a card more fitting for red. It's a siren; blue rules over water (where sirens reside). Also remember that a siren's song is a trick to get sailors to kill themselves; mind tricks are native of blue mana. That set aside I'd give this card a 4/5. Extremely useful, cheap summon cost, great art, and fitting flavor, what else can you ask for?
Posted By: Fredin (7/20/2009 12:09:44 PM)


I've just got to say it: this ability feels really red to me.

Also, given the combat rule changes, this card is much more difficult for blue to abuse - no more damage then bounce. How are blue blockers in this set? I don't feel that they are strong enough for Alluring Sirens to act as removal.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (7/11/2009 6:16:49 AM)


Even under new rules, this card is still useful. Then again most people probably won't play this card anyway, so whats the point of obsessively discussing it?
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/16/2009 5:30:22 PM)


Ahoi, me mateys, that be cleave yon ahead!!

They put this image on the booster display box, turning it into a boobster display box. As much boobs as your usual Magic player will ever get. ;)
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/19/2012 6:41:59 PM)


That is a freaky looking woman.
3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/3/2013 2:50:20 PM)


Uhm, Omaa, how exactly can you Unsummon it before damage? I was under the impression that once blockers had been declared, damage immediately proceeded, under the new rules.
Posted By: Oleander (7/12/2009 9:19:01 PM)


Yeah The Ability Is Red But The Flavor Is Perfect Alluring Siren Plus In Draft Who Goes One Color No One So Youll Have Big Blockers In Your Other Colors. Plus AMAZING ARTWORK
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/13/2009 11:34:21 PM)


Could make i Siren dec....
Posted By: Qazior (5/27/2010 4:21:55 AM)


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