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Former Core Set pick 1GreenGreen Trained Armodon was replaced for 2Green Centaur Courser,
Potential Core Set pick 3GreenGreen Fangren Hunter was replaced for 4Green Stampeding Rhino.

Looks like Wizards decided to give single-costed green creatures a slight buff in M10.
Posted By: Mode (10/29/2009 1:53:38 PM)


This card is one of those sleeper hits, primarily because it's so deviously simple. It's just a big creature for 5 with trample. You let your opponent think you can get only that much damage through like 2 or 3 when they chump block, and then out of the blue slap a blanchwood armor on it and win the game. On the other hand it's no deity of scars, or deus of calamity, but then again how many creatures match those in any case.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/24/2009 9:46:23 PM)


I have four in my green deck, mostly because I was tight on money at the time and these seemed like a decent budget option for fat. Turns out I was right; I've won several games riding on the backs of these guys. Just today I won a 4-way multiplayer game using 3 of these and an Overrun. It's simple, yet powerful in the right setting.
Posted By: Zulp (1/15/2010 7:36:59 PM)


4/4 for 5 is meh, with trample its worth playing in limited for sure
but 4/4 seems too big for a rhino
would have liked 3/3 trample for 1GG, that would make it uncommon though.... and zoo animals stay at common, except magical glowy-eye deer
Posted By: OutlawD1 (10/8/2009 7:22:04 AM)


Limited anyone?
Posted By: MinorPandemic (8/18/2009 11:21:51 AM)


Stampeding Rhino FTW!

...I rarely do win, but when I do I enjoy shouting at and punching strangers like a super-awesome professional MTG player.

THIS is THE card that made me famous with the ladies, inspired me to move out of my parent's basement, as well earn my first million dollar paycheck in the underground bodyparts market. This card was truly a life-changing event for me. THANK YOU WIZARDS!

(Contraindication(s): Clearly this card does not combine well with epilectic seizures or bipolar disorder. Abstain if you suffer from hernia, haemorrhoids or autoimmune disorders as Stampeding Rhino may aggravate certain internal bleeding disorders.)
Posted By: StampedingRhino (1/29/2011 11:41:25 AM)


A bomb in draft or sealed, but otherwise not special.
Posted By: Owls_and_More_Owls (8/20/2009 6:16:17 PM)


Not Bad
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/14/2009 12:23:12 AM)


So a Rhino is more powerful than a war elephant...
Posted By: Sironos (5/17/2010 2:29:35 PM)


Really nothing special....
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (8/15/2009 4:30:10 PM)


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