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"It's pretty ridiculous that this is the first spider card to actually have a venom mechanic."
Ive been thinking the same thing. Its pretty absurd that spiders dont do something like give poison counters or have deathtouch by default.
Deadly Recluse is what spiders should have been all along.
Toss in a Swarmyard to regenerate and you have a winner.
Posted By: donjohnson (2/15/2010 1:03:31 PM)


Probably the best attempt yet at creating a viable anti-air creature for green.

...and so they decided not to reprint it in M11. =|
Posted By: Troutz (10/4/2010 11:01:23 AM)


Yea, this guy was bred and raised to specifically to kill Storm Crow. Sort of a reprint of Tangle Asp - the reach makes it more able to kill anything that comes its way, but the reliance on damage rather than simply blocking means it can't be comboed with Valor Made Real.

On another note, this new printing policy of making up new cards for each core set is retarded. This guy came out of nowhere, stuck around for a year, and now he's gone forever?
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/1/2010 3:20:05 PM)


Allows you to stabilize instantly against aggressive decks and will scare away almost every creature in the game, including Emrakul, for 2 measly mana. One of the best walls in the game, and will certainly buy you time for all that ramping you were planning on doing.
Posted By: Zulp (2/17/2011 12:35:50 AM)


2012 needs this back - not that green has been hurting for great cheap creatures/spells, mind.
Posted By: jfre81 (6/19/2011 12:03:45 AM)


I love this card. Great deterrent while you get your fatties out. Perfect spot on the mana curve. To me, this is one of the standout commons of the set.
Posted By: TroglodyteJB (8/10/2009 9:09:14 AM)


best spider out there
Posted By: fastpond (2/18/2010 4:03:24 PM)


It's a crime this wasn't reprinted in 2011. This guy was awesome for green.
Posted By: Temple_Garden (7/16/2010 11:28:54 PM)


Awesome card. Early game defender that has just the right amount of toughness and can blast away almost anything that hits it.
Posted By: Silverware (8/23/2009 6:22:35 PM)


@ donjohnson & mike_stubbs1

This is sort of true,
But they did get it pretty close with Juvenile Gloomwidow, I felt.
But yeah, this card is one hell of a two-drop.
While you're storing up mana,
Your opponent has to think of the consequences of swinging.
It's not a game-breaker, but a very welcomed addition.
Posted By: infernox10 (6/12/2010 10:35:35 PM)


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