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Community Rating: 1.256 / 5  (123 votes)
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There's so little damage prevention in core sets these days, this might as well be Tormented Soul -- or Goblin Fireslinger.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (2/18/2013 9:11:22 AM)


0/1 for Black = terrible.
1BlackTap for 1 life = terrible.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/16/2013 3:16:24 AM)


At least it puts your opponent on a clock. Plus the art is nice. The flavor text doesn't really make sense; is she really giving a blessing to somebody that truly deserves it, or is she just slowly bleeding a dude out? Let's not get overly poetic here.
Posted By: Jannissary (7/4/2013 4:46:58 AM)


Such good artwork deserved a better card. I liked the original draft of this creature as a 1/1 for 1Black with no mana cost to activate.
Posted By: Tiggurix (1/23/2014 3:55:34 AM)


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