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Community Rating: 1.725 / 5  (71 votes)
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@OutlawD1: You mean Balduvian Barbarians?

Good flavour text, here.
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (4/1/2011 7:45:43 AM)


@Arachi: Good reminder. I guess the key is to try to find as a good a card as possible to fill each particular niche. Hopefully even in limited you'll have better options for a mid-range creature, such as Shatterskull Giant or Bladetusk Boar.
Posted By: achilleselbow (4/11/2010 4:10:26 PM)


if it was a giant .....well since i have a giant/demon deck ....welll still there are better giants ,but it`s a """""""""" minotaur now
Posted By: Iiory (8/4/2009 7:14:43 AM)


Er... Titanium Dragon? Wizards doesn't own the copyright for minotaurs. Noone does, its from Greek Mythology. I do hope you already knew that.
Posted By: sir_dwar (9/27/2009 4:56:14 AM)


Love the flavor text on this one. Serviceable mainstay for the red fleet :D

Posted By: Gaussgoat (1/7/2010 5:07:16 PM)


Here's an interesting thing I was thinking about. Any sane MTG player would say that Isamaru, Hound of Konda is better than Canyon Minotaur. It's a 2/2 that you can play on the first turn. However, if you pitted the two against each other, Canyon Minotaur would kill the doggy and still live to fight another day. So it kinda depends on your definition of "better". The same could be said about Black Lotus. Yes, there is no doubt about it, black lotus is an awesome card. Probably the best. You can play four on the first turn and play a Darksteel Colossus. :| Then Darksteel Colossus OWNS. lol But Black Lotus itself doesn't win the game for you. Canyon Minotaur, however, could.

So pretty much what I'm saying is that decks need a nice balance of "Isamaru's", "Canyon Minotaurs", and "Darksteel Colossus's", because you never know what a situation in a game might need. I know some people who fill their... (see all)
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/21/2009 11:11:45 PM)


Yay cows 5starz for flavor text and good base card dont say its bad just because it has no ability >:O
Posted By: theonlymoocow (10/20/2009 2:46:12 PM)


I'm actually glad this took Hill Giant's spot; minotaurs are a lot cooler than giants (I'm not saying that either are good). Also the flavor text is amazingly hilarious; using all that blank space for dialogue was a great idea.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/14/2009 2:51:51 PM)


Hey look, its a hill giant. Except it is called a minotaur instead. Seriously, you own D&D, might as well use monsters from it.
Posted By: Titanium_Dragon (8/27/2009 5:19:07 PM)


Great in limited, draws blockers and lightning bolts to let other things live another day. And I had two of these in my draft deck that I won with, and they won a few games for me. Respeck for the minotaur.
Posted By: jhimbob (8/22/2009 6:27:23 AM)


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