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If you have both Abyssal Persecutor and Platinum Angel in play on your side of the battlefield, all players' souls are permanently trapped in the game - forever (unless the cards can be destroyed, or they concede).

Magic no longer becomes a game of luck and strategy, but one of endurance and willpower.

Sporting Angels and Demons truly does make one Godlike...

"Your soul is mine."
Posted By: Spider-Sense (5/4/2010 1:39:13 AM)


God was kind to not include shroud to this.
Posted By: Lestat13 (7/11/2009 2:03:09 AM)


This is clearly a controversial card. The fact is, any card has a weakness. Anybody complaining about how their guys keep dying to some removal spell had better get a reality check. Not even shroud protects against a Wrath of God. Indestructibility is nullified by exile, bounce, and sacrifice. Wizards makes SURE that there are ways to deal with everything. An invincibility has to have a way around it, lest the card ruin the game. This explains why the mana cost is so high and why the card has the weaknesses of both artifacts and creatures. This explains why indestructibility and shroud are getting weaker. THERE ARE ANSWERS.
On the other hand, this card will win games when the opponent has no response. By all means, protect it and try to use it as your win condition. Just make sure you have a back-up plan.
Posted By: Selez (11/5/2009 9:40:49 PM)


Even Gatekeeper of Malakir can own this card
Posted By: Mikolash (11/11/2009 11:27:54 AM)


My friend has a platinum angel. So I have a fireball. Two in fact. And a Flame Slash. And a Titanic Ultimatum.

He doesn't win that often.
Posted By: TheSwarm (10/10/2010 5:11:53 PM)


Why is everyone talking about the enchantments and all. Why not just play Darksteel Forge the next turn...and I'm pretty sure you could win...pretty sure.
Posted By: tijame (12/29/2009 6:47:10 AM)


Faced this card down in a draft last night. I got worried as soon as I saw it, cause I was playing blue/white with mostly enchantment-based removal, so I wasn't sure if I'd be able to deal with it. But luckily she blocked and I used a Divine Verdict. I was actually looking forward to the possibility of Mind Controlling it in game 2, but she never showed up. Yeah, it's a scary card, but it costs 7. Not overpowered.
Posted By: Dulrik (8/1/2009 10:37:49 AM)


I still got the ones from Mirrodin, where I focused a deck just on getting it out not only with Darksteel Forge, but also with Leonin Abunas and Mycosynth Lattice at the same time! It was convoluted and hard to pull off, but the number of spells any person could possibly have that can deal with it can be counted on one hand. (Although this number a guess, I'd love to be proven wrong)

I like the idea of keeping it safe with the master transmuter, even though you need at least two angels out to keep yourself from getting vulnerable. If you have access to Sculpting Steel or Mizzium Transreliquat it makes having that second copy a lot easier.

It's why I need a few transmuters myself, since my two copies of this card are sitting in a nifty little Mishra deck that just loves having everything at least twice. Although I could throw in a few Whispersilk Cl... (see all)
Posted By: Guest969189670 (8/2/2009 12:22:34 PM)


Any card that desperately needs another just to protect it won't be very good.
Posted By: Kirbster (8/24/2010 4:56:44 PM)


Just take a look at the artwork on Oxidize from Darksteel :-)
This card is too powerfull in limited and the effect it has isn't that simple to be used in a core set imho.
Posted By: totorogr (7/31/2009 7:29:15 AM)


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