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To those who ask why would anybody play with this card ("I'd rather win than just not lose!"), you aren't looking at it from a Johnny point of view:

(Type 1 deck)
Turn 1 on the draw: Tolarian Academy, Lotus Petal, Mox Diamond
Tap Mox to play Sol Ring
Tap Sol Ring to play Isochron Scepter, imprinting Final Fortune
Tap Tolarian Academy to play Timetwister for 7 more cards
Use Lotus Petal + remaining mana from Academy to use Scepter to take another turn via Final Fortune

Turn 2: Mishra's Workshop
Tap Workshop and Academy and Mox to play Platinum Angel (can't lose because of Final Fortune now)
Tap Sol Ring to use Scepter to take another turn via Final Fortune

Rinse and repeat as many times as you please, attacking each turn with Angel and any other threats you may have unti... (see all)
Posted By: professornutbutter (9/24/2009 2:33:43 AM)


Platinum Angel, the only angel I don't like. Mostly because you have to use a lot of resources to get it into play and protect it, and then the only thing it does is preventing you from losing. I prefer winning to not losing.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/27/2009 4:06:03 PM)


Hallowed Burial is played in every 5 control deck already. Path to Exile is in tons of decks. Before saying Platinum Angel is broken, you should play some games with it :)
Posted By: MasterOGA (7/31/2009 4:53:13 AM)


although it is relitivly easy to kill there are so many cards PERFECT for it.
-rise from the grave
doesn't have any specific mana cost so it wouldn't put any extra strain on a black deck
assuming you're fighting a black deck and you need to discard a card... discard the angel and summon for less!
will keep it protected from doomblade and hideous end and the like

-neurok stealthsuit
anti-artifacts are a dieing breed
BAM, doomblade, hideous end, tombhex, journey to nowhere, etc... all USELESS.

-death's shadow
if you can go negitive (assuming your angel is VERY secure) go down fast and get a massive attack creature to get a 1-hit-kill
Posted By: BlackAlbino (3/6/2010 8:08:19 PM)


but with enchanments or artifacts u can always give it shroud
Posted By: ApolloTG1 (7/11/2009 9:44:27 AM)


They put this card and Indestructibility in the same set...
Quite good combo
Posted By: GoGo26 (7/13/2009 9:04:56 AM)


If you do whispersilk cloak it all the opponent has to do is get the cloack off of it by returning it to your hand or destroying it and then they can go after your creature. Same with enchantments. Still...this card is pretty devistating since it stops thouse enchantments that win the game for you if you meet certian conditions such as mortal combat.
Posted By: Silverware (8/17/2009 1:12:33 PM)


Lightning Greaves.
Posted By: True_Mumin (7/12/2009 1:18:49 PM)


Talk About Master Transmutin This I Got To Elvish Pipe This With An Ant Queen And A Couple Of Baloths In Draft The Other Week It Was Ridiculous 1st Place Obviously And 4th Turn Platinum Angels In Core Set Drafts Are Pretty Damn Funny
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/31/2009 8:20:57 PM)


No Phage the Untouchable for you.
Posted By: zeyette (11/7/2009 1:45:49 PM)


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