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Pair her up with Whispersilk Cloak and it's only a matter of time before you win the game. Only way around that combo is to use Planar Cleansing. What was that about overpowered white cards? ;)
Posted By: smetal (7/21/2009 3:14:58 PM)


Darksteel Forge and a counter deck around this thing, just to prevent remove effects.
Posted By: mythicalcreature (11/3/2009 5:42:36 PM)


Hows this for a combo?
Platinum angel in play.
Isochron scepter + last chance
the look on their face...it's saggot worthy
Posted By: doitpow (1/25/2010 3:34:04 AM)


Why would you want this in your deck?
So you can't lose? So what?
I'd prefer to win than to not to lose.
Only valuble in a blue deck to buy time, and even then, there are better and cheaper cards to do so.
Posted By: Spideredd (8/26/2009 11:05:41 PM)


First packed. Opened one of these guys.
Posted By: murder100 (1/21/2010 5:05:12 PM)


To the guy who said he loses because of this card:

Disenchant!.... Wow...
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (4/13/2010 11:02:06 AM)


Darksteel plate + Diplomatic immunity = Unstoppable
Posted By: Risenguy (5/27/2011 8:39:47 PM)


cards like this shouldn't exist
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (9/16/2012 4:56:38 PM)


Just use it with Master Transmuter and Diplomatic Immunity and say goodbye to the game.
Posted By: anderbena (2/19/2010 1:26:37 PM)


This is a pretty powerful card and I disagree with anyone who thinks otherwise.
You would have to build a humongously powerful deck around it however.
One that has redicilous mana exceleration.
Yes, you can try to bounce everything but that also means you need to have the right cards for it.
And not everybody is packed with bounces or counterspells (or feels forced to play this way to stand a chance against a super Platinum Angel deck).
Platinum Angel is best protected in a white green deck where you can set up the most rigorous protections. This will help you in the long run in multiplayer (especially against 3 or more opponents).
But if you make the right deck you can also manage (easily) to win against a single player with Platinum Angel in your deck (preferably as many copies as possible).
It's overrated as a mythic I can agree on that, but most definitely not as a rare.
It all depends on how much money you want to spend on constructing a powerful deck with PA in it (and we... (see all)
Posted By: Nuclear_Pony (4/24/2010 12:30:27 PM)


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