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Urza's armor is expensive for the effect. But it has it's uses. If your deck has white in it, these Purists are probably better. It is still 6 mana for the first damage prevention, but it also applies to your creatures.
Cards like this and Lord of Shatterskull Pass are playable because the first level up gives you a solid creature for a reasonable total price. I don't expect either to reach their pinnacle, but it is great if they do.
Posted By: kiseki (5/5/2011 12:07:45 PM)


this card was made to be used with pyrohemia and manabarbs, or pestilence if ur old school, level cost doesn't matter that much as you don't need to get him past level 1
Posted By: Gezus82 (6/1/2010 8:04:50 PM)


ok, so I have a hedron Field Purist in Play level 1. Then I throw down a pestilence. Can I pay 1 black, deal damage to creatures and players, use hedron to prevent all damage to me and my creatures, then repeat the process for as long as I have black mana? Effectively killing all my opponents creatures and none of mine?
Posted By: beansnmelon (3/24/2011 2:14:33 PM)


You're probably just being facetious but according to the rules Absorb only works for creatures, while Purists also prevents damage to players.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (4/18/2010 10:47:58 PM)


Drop him turn three, level him once. The 3rd ability is nice, but costly. Preventing one damage is good enough for me.
Posted By: Redigo (4/27/2010 5:10:45 AM)


Absorb only applies to creatures, this card protects the player as well. meaning if it only prevented damage to creatures it would be absorb, but as is absorb cant be used here
Posted By: Lord_Xelitoth (5/20/2010 7:17:56 PM)


This makes my pestilence so much easier - I don't have to use protection from black creatures exclusively anymore!
Posted By: BetrayerKol (6/7/2010 8:39:29 PM)


This looks like a cheap and improved Urza's armor on two legs.
It probably needs some protection against black removal, but this is what Emerge Unscathed and Brave the Elements are for I guess.

It could be very interesting to see if this guy would work well in a Luminarch Ascension deck. You'd have to focus on preventing all damage and proliferating a bit to get this guy leveled up and the ascension charged. And then you get a source of cheap 4/4 flying angels that receive some damage prevention.
Posted By: Diab0l0 (4/24/2011 12:40:02 AM)


Him at level 1 + Manabarbs = Your opponent taking damage, but not you.
Posted By: KingKablamo (4/24/2010 3:31:02 AM)


Against a red aggro deck, you can't possibly loose anymore, if you have two of these guys out, leveled up at least once, or one leveled up to max.

Posted By: Antares2 (5/5/2011 4:20:18 PM)


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