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So play this with some kind of pestilence effect and your opponent may as well say GG? Great card.
Posted By: statiefreez (4/16/2010 6:30:26 PM)


Remember, it isn't that hard to get this guy max-leveled with Training Grounds, and if you do he's a best. Unlike Guardian Seraph, he prevents damage to creatures to, which basically means that Lightning Bolt is near useless, Staggershock does nothing, etc. Actually, it hoses Jund really well too, since Bloodbraid and Sprouting Thrinax are doing 1, tokens are doing nothing, Putrid Leech needs to sap the controller to do damage, etc. If you can keep him from being Terminated or Pulsed he'll completely neutralize half their stuff (though, admittedly that's a little hard to do).
Posted By: Chosen_of_the_Dark_Sun (5/13/2010 3:49:23 AM)


I played against one of these with a Splinter Twin attached to it at the prerelease. Even with all my big colorless eldrazi I could not win against it. Ended up milling myself. :-(

Definitely a good card
Posted By: albinobrow03 (4/18/2010 1:46:29 PM)


Oh.. My friend has this card and we've always understood it that you can't use more than once a turn, but it seems as though whenever you are dealt damage it prevents two of it.. Wow..... My elf deck's record just plummeted. And it can block too! That is just stupidgood
Posted By: TheSwarm (7/7/2010 11:12:55 AM)


They un-keyworded absorb already?
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (4/15/2010 11:06:08 PM)


How does this work in a Two-headed giant game?
Posted By: blindthrall (3/19/2011 12:08:30 PM)


It works with Pestilence very well along with Basilisk Collar or Phyresis. I'm nearly finished with my Pestilence Prevention deck.
Posted By: Deadreject (4/1/2011 12:33:21 AM)


Resists lightning bolt at level 1.
Posted By: ilovelifegain28 (4/10/2011 5:15:21 PM)


This one's kind of subtle, but the effect can be an absolute shutout to Vampires, burn and the like because of how damage is assigned, and suddenly that 1 or 2 starts adding up VERY quickly. Or to put it rather blunt "Nice Arc Trail bro, you mad?"
Posted By: Wynzerman (7/10/2011 2:30:03 AM)


After that sliver in future sight shouldn't this read "You and creatures you control have absorb 1" and absorb 2 for the second one.
Posted By: umumwhatshisname (7/19/2011 12:19:10 PM)


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