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Community Rating: 4.039 / 5  (90 votes)
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One of the best mill cards in the set, right next to Hedron Crab, despite its cost, because if it's being used in a mill-control deck, it's practically T7 win. This card kicked my butt in limited.
Posted By: SolidSoldier (4/20/2010 4:39:24 AM)


if you put in someRavenous Trap, when you opponents big Eldrazis put their gaia's blessing effect on the stack you can just remove their whole graveyard.
Posted By: ApolloTG1 (4/21/2010 8:57:18 AM)


Holy bejeezus it's like a mental nuke!
Posted By: blindthrall (4/29/2010 6:27:55 PM)


Good in mill. lol for obviousness!
In standard should sideboard in Sacrament (and maybe Scrib Nibblers?) right away to rip out your shuffleldrazis that will definetly show themselves.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/15/2010 6:30:45 AM)


It makes me kind of sad that they printed an amazing finisher like this for mill decks...and then completely nerfed its utility by printing the legendary eldrazi. Oh well, mill decks were just obnoxious to play against anyways.
Posted By: Chosen_of_the_Dark_Sun (5/21/2010 11:14:56 AM)


Step one: Traumatize
Step two: This
Step three: Haunting Echoes
Step four: ???
Step six: Profit!
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (8/28/2012 11:20:10 PM)


Yes, it has cost but honestly this is an excellent finisher for any deck that exploits the card-loss function. What I love about it herein is its flexibility.

What's hilarious moreover is that the more you use it the more powerful it gets.

5 (for example) becomes 10, 10 becomes 20 and 20 becomes 40.
now imagine loosing 1 life for each card put in the graveyard.
Posted By: Vastator (5/22/2014 10:16:09 PM)


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