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Community Rating: 3.870 / 5  (92 votes)
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I can't believe a card this good is uncommon, I'm even more shocked I really don't see it get played ever... Where I am at any rate.

I too LOVE the art work on this card!! Kinda lifts ones spirits with it's beauty!

Makes a creature a WHITE version of Nightmare LOL :P
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (11/26/2009 4:20:22 PM)


The ruling reads like this: "This ability counts the number of Plains controlled by Armored Ascension's controller, not the enchanted creature's controller (in case they're different players)." Would Blanchwood Armor work the same way? Blanchwood's text reads almost the same as this except it says Forest and doesn't give the creature flying. I was wondering because my girlfriend played Act of Treason on someone's Blanchwood-enchanted wolf and he said that because she had mountains and not forests the Blanchwood wouldn't work. If the ruling for Armored Ascension worked for Blanchwood, then that player would have been wrong.

Regardless of my question, this card is amazing. I run two in my deck and when they drop people get worried.
Posted By: sarroth (2/4/2010 10:29:36 AM)


The artwork is so much better than the Shadowmoor version.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (9/15/2009 8:13:03 PM)


This is a very useful card, especially if you're playing mono-white. This is a great way to make cards with good effects stronger (and it gives them flying--which gives you a rather large advantage against an opponent who doesn't have much flying and at least gives you a strong blocker against an opponent with a lot of flying).

This is probably my favorite attack oriented aura because in addition to it's mechanical usefulness, it enabled one of my favorite in game moments-- This card (as a few others) gave me a 9/9 flying lifelink Akrasan Squire. I must admit I found it rather awesome to see a creature that, while good, tended to get eaten by Vein Drinkers a lot end up such a game winner. It was an immensely satisfying victory for the underdog--and doubly so, since I was playing an opponent I tend to lose against--the same one whose Vein Drinkers ate my Squires. I must admit I see the in battle dialogue as something like this: "My name... (see all)
Posted By: RuthieA (7/22/2009 5:47:31 PM)


Cards like these are part of what makes Magic so exciting. The kind that can turn the tide in one stroke, the kind you beg to draw when you're up against the ropes.
Posted By: CSM-101 (9/25/2009 9:21:15 AM)


I think the new art looks awesome; it really captures the feel of the card. As for the card itself? Just as awesome. Using this Aura later in the game can basically turn any of your creatures into a flying beast. The only real flaw I can think of is that it is certainly oriented for an only while mana deck (sure one can use it on any deck but it will shine the best on pure white decks). This doesn't keep this awesome Aura from being an excellent card, a brilliant 4/5.
Posted By: Fredin (7/19/2009 11:13:57 PM)


I call zombie *** on this. No seriously many-a-zombie has died due to this card.
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (8/23/2010 6:03:40 PM)


Should be top 10 in the creature Auras. This works really well in mono white weenie decks. Almost ANY creature suddenly becomes a 5/5 flier. How is that so wrong? I know that people complain about card advantage but if you look at this as a finisher (likely in weenie) then the game is probably over anyway.
Posted By: iondragonx (8/21/2009 8:22:51 AM)


i have always loved this card,
having a reprint is way cool
and the knew art i love a human knight flying
alround great card
Posted By: lightning19 (7/18/2009 3:56:32 PM)


Nice artwork...
Posted By: God_of_Destruction (7/23/2009 7:08:10 AM)


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