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Very good aura. They need to make more auras like this. Simple Auras that give +blah/+blah aren't going to cut it anymore.
The art is kinda goofy though and the flavor fails. Some dude on a horse jumping on floaty pieces of rock? With Zendikar it kinda makes more sense now, but its still goofy.
Posted By: OutlawD1 (10/8/2009 7:43:17 AM)


I hate win or bust cards. It's nearly always going to result in one of two things that makes the game un-fun.

You play it, and they remove the creature: You're miserable because you just got two-for-oned AND end up a turn behind due to paying 3W to their W or 1B.

You play it, and win the game in two turns: Your partner's miserable because a random 4 mana card just sealed them out of the game.
Posted By: beyond_malachi (12/23/2009 8:38:46 PM)


I for one am not a big fan of this cards art, neither edition. I feel it is corny looking. Doesn't give the impression of an aura or of great strength. None the less, this is a great card.
Posted By: EtotheK (1/19/2010 11:16:37 PM)


this on Palace Guard, one of the best blockers you can get because he becomes this towering wall that few cards can get past.

Is it me, or is that the Blood Knight in the art?
Posted By: darkfury (9/3/2009 12:28:55 PM)


Awesome card in mono white and on a kazandu blademaster it is lethal
Posted By: Silex_Flint (12/8/2009 8:24:50 PM)


I run four of these in my mono-white enchantment deck. None of the people I play with use enchantment removal. Every time I've used one of these, I've won. Fantastic card. Who doesn't like the white Blanchwood Armor?
Posted By: Zulp (12/23/2009 10:55:10 PM)


Waste of mana? This should be cake icing in a mono-white soldier deck just for kicks, or a in a red/white for the fun of it. Throw this on a guy and then get a kiss from his mom as you equip your Whispersilk Cloak. Play with a Kor deck or Lightning Greaves for a laugh!

And for those who hate the artwork... Imagine, you are a creature summoned, the hand of the controller propels you upward, land breaking and thrusting, launching you at your target. At the end of it all, after cutting the enemy with unimaginable speed, you awake to see your horse grazing happily. You are returned to ether whence you came, because the game is won.

That is, if your opponent doesn't Pacify, Journey to Nowhere, or Doom Blade because you had no equipment on.
Posted By: mflanaga (1/22/2010 5:10:13 PM)


@ Sarroth... yep, they're wrong, makes this card and blanchwood armor fun in two headed giant as well...

This on a wall of hope is funny...
Posted By: orisiti (2/6/2010 1:41:27 PM)


blanchwood armor ftw!
Posted By: Matt_The_Phat (2/28/2010 11:28:06 AM)


This card has one flaw: 3W is a lot to pay for something that can die with its creature. It's still awesome, and it's practically immune to all forms of red removal, which helps some.
Posted By: SleetFox (4/1/2010 1:40:43 PM)


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