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Community Rating: 3.870 / 5  (92 votes)
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great enchantment for white decks.
Posted By: tantallum99 (4/3/2010 6:41:13 PM)


I love this card!

I'm surprised it doesn't get as much play as i think it would..but in any case definitely a great card.
Posted By: MagicFellow (4/22/2010 2:39:16 PM)


this card is the reason why i always put some anti-enchantments in my decks when i play with friends.....they all have mono white decks, and they all have 4 of these. really makes the game kinda lame when they win with the same card every game
Posted By: freedomman (5/19/2010 10:50:39 PM)


My brother used a white deck and won over 45 games with this.

Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (6/7/2010 5:54:17 AM)


This card is to imballanced. You shouldnt be able to have a 10/9 out on the fourth turn. And why the hell was this card printed in M10 and blanchwood armor was replaced with oakenform. 0.5 out of 5, because it was poorly made and not well thought out. If it said +0/+1 for each plains and flying that would be reasonable... And dont even give me the aura drawback bullcrap, this wins ALOT of games.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/6/2010 5:25:23 PM)


I love this, sets me up beautifully for my jagged scar archers, greatbow doyen combo
Posted By: Wormfang (3/30/2011 5:23:24 PM)


This will always be one of my favourite cards.

I started playing magic about the time Rise of Eldrazi was released, but I didn't play very often and didn't know anyone else who played. I eventually shelved my meager collection because it was never used, and I wouldn't touch it again until Innistrad was released.

Well 2012 rolls around and it turns out a couple of my buddies have decided to start playing Magic, and they're already into Friday Night Magic shenanigans and whatnot. I decided to get back into it and invite one of them over to trade/play cards for a while.

I hastily compile a mono-white deck out of Zendikar and Magic 2010 cards to use against him (and a few cards I trade from him when he shows up), and he arrives with a black deck. Well I didn't shuffle too well, so I get a hand-full of cards I can use to start with, but for the next 15 or 20 turns I draw nothing but plains and maybe one or two spells.

I'm not sure how I lasted as long as I did. At this point I h... (see all)
Posted By: Coaltar (5/11/2012 5:22:31 PM)


This is one of the first cards I used when I started playing. I can still remember the first few decks that a friend and I made, in our mtg infancy, and this was in one of them. The decks were bad. Really bad. That deck's only saving grace was this card, turning its cheap 1/1's and 2/2's (about all it had) into behemoths that flew over the creature-exclusive green deck.

We didn't know then that green was so great at stopping fliers, nor had we seen a naturalize.

Oh, the innocence of newbs.
Posted By: BastianQoU (12/25/2012 5:52:52 PM)


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