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Community Rating: 3.032 / 5  (79 votes)
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strictly better than horned turtle.
Posted By: frommerman (10/24/2010 5:24:45 PM)


Not terrible. However, Plated Seastrider sorely lacks the elegance, efficiency, and clarity of purpose of Kraken Hatchling, its predecessor. For the slightly steeper yet slightly more splashable cost of 2Blue you could get Deceiver Exarch, which while also 1/4 is made infinitely more useful by having flash and a great choose-one ETB effect.
Posted By: blindloyalty (1/31/2012 5:40:35 PM)


Looks like something out of Star Wars empire strikes back. I like the the art work.
Posted By: TreeWolfPox (5/6/2012 6:10:33 PM)


This always reminds me of the Star Wars AT-AT. I keep expecting Luke Skywalker to trip this thing up somehow. Ok, enough of the cross referance. BlueBlue for a 1/4 vanilla. Decent blocker but will never be an attacker. You almost wish that he had Metalcraft Gets +1/+1 and gains Islandwalk. But most of the time this was just unplayable. I feel bad rating this card so low when I enjoy most of Izzy's artwork but the card itself isn't playable.
Posted By: vantha (2/19/2013 6:25:35 AM)


For a card clearly designed solely for limited, not having a cost of 1Blue boggles the mind.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/22/2013 4:09:21 PM)


@ StreamHopper - there's no reason to believe that a SEAstrider can leave the water... they aren't called ISLANDstriders... so if anything, the most flavourful ability would be Islandhome... would you prefer that???
Posted By: BlakeHN (11/25/2013 11:18:24 PM)


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