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"I'll chump block with my Perilous Myr and sacrifice it before combat damage..."
Posted By: tcollins (9/27/2010 12:01:04 PM)


Culling Dais just got a new toy to play with.Archon of Justice + Mimic Vat + Culling Dais = Exiling your biggest threat once a turn. Unwinding Clock if you'd like to do it on their turn, too.
Posted By: chrisjm16 (8/2/2011 6:32:28 AM)


Act of Aggression.
Act of Treason.
Traitorous Blood.
Posted By: Chamale (10/24/2011 4:21:18 PM)


Useful. You play creatures, people play removal. Turn their removal into card advantage. Turn your Act of Treasons, Mark of Mutinys, and Act of Aggressions into slowtripping removal. Get 2 going and start proliferating. It's slow, but for long games and color combinations that don't have access to Jace Belerens, Phyrexian Arenas, and the like, this is a great cheap alternative, and drawing 7 cards off of one is not difficult to do if you actually proliferate with something like a Throne of Geth.

Remember, you get more value out of most creatures the longer they stay alive. If you just play a dude and sacrifice him, it's often the same as Cycling the card; however, sacrificing creatures with death triggers is a great way to get the value out of the creature while getting potential card advantage. If you're in a situation where you need to draw some more gas and/... (see all)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (7/14/2011 5:26:28 PM)


I think its really good to have it on the battlefield, sacrifice your creatures when they are about to die, and draw the cards when you need it
Posted By: KyoDarkFire (9/23/2010 10:54:48 PM)


This deninitely has potential in a profilerate deck, when you're gonna proliferate anyway, being able to get your hand reloaded is definitely interesting. Only have to sec once. Trying to make some kind of infect proliferate deck, and this might be useable. WIth this on the field, the first removal spell from an opponent basically means a card for you. This should not be underestimated, colourless card draw is nice, having to splash blue for card draw is so frustrating, SOM has given us some colourless standard card draw, I love it.
Posted By: Sironos (12/1/2010 1:02:51 PM)


Fairly better than Carnage Altar, for me.
Posted By: chremon (9/24/2010 8:56:58 AM)


Proliferate affects cards with counters, so this will require at least one sacrifice before it begins to passively accumulate counters while you're charging other more powerful cards.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (9/23/2010 7:11:30 PM)


The obvious comparison is Carnage Altar, which is more expensive mana-wise but yields a more immediate benefit and a repeatable benefit. I don't think I'd take this over Carnage Altar and there is no point in running both.
Posted By: CeremonialBathory (9/24/2010 12:28:45 AM)


Love all the comments so far, and with the addition of proliferate this will make an excellent hand fillerer.

Good thing they have Venser's Journal in the same set.
Posted By: Stray_Dog (10/1/2010 8:00:29 AM)


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