The cute red counterpart of Icatian Lieutenant. It used to be tech with Dwarven Warrior in the last century. Magic has lost its innocence a long time ago but I'm not the one to whine about it.
Posted By:
(9/25/2009 6:45:27 AM)
Tribal dwarf FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By:
(7/5/2011 11:19:36 AM)
Surprised it wasn't a "Summon Lieutenant" or some silly thing so it couldn't buff itself.
Badly overpriced and since Dwarves basically died out in Magic ages ago (sadly), it has no home now.
Posted By:
(11/5/2011 9:47:26 AM)
@NARFNra: Why use Training Grounds when Heartstone would have the same effect AND allow you to keep your deck mono-red?
Posted By:
(10/8/2012 2:45:49 AM)
Flavor pity points.
Posted By:
(8/11/2009 6:43:08 PM)
Dwarven Lieutenant was never playable. The Fallen Empire dwarves were never playable. They were never tech. They were never even mediocre. I think I remember Dwarven Warriors and Dwarven Weaponsmith being played (not to any great effect, not to any great extent, I just think I saw them played at some pount), but never did I see a single FE dwarf in action. I know I never played them and I played just about every FE card I could find an excuse to play.
Posted By:
(1/18/2013 10:50:17 AM)
Sadly, this would be usable if it cost {R}. If you use with Training Grounds, you've successfully used it to make a sucky card mildly usable. Dwarf Tribal I guess.
EDIT: @Tiggurix
Training Grounds can come out two turns earlier and doesn't put a drain on your mana. It's also an enchantment, which is rather harder to remove. Additionally, it has better synergy with any other creature abilities you may want to have. I understand it will limit the number of red mana you can pump into him, but it makes it easier to run the deck as a whole.
Posted By:
(7/12/2013 4:45:31 PM)