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interestingly enough, the strongest card in this cycle of "sac unless you pay X" from MM is this one, in my opinion.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (8/4/2010 5:09:12 PM)


Rishadan Footpad is definitely stronger. 2/2, and requires them to pay {2}; which one would you rather cast Rite of Replication on?. It's like Force Spike vs Spell Pierce. Pierce is a much more playable card.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/17/2012 3:10:50 AM)


@DacenOctavio: Force Spike vs Spell Pierce isn't a fair comparison, they both have the same cost (while Spell Pierce also has the noncreature restriction), the Footpad costs one more. Depending on how you want to use them, this can make a huge difference. If you jsut want to get your opponent to sacrifice a permanent, you'll get to drop this earlier successfully if he's tapped out. The Footpad's conditions are a bit easier to be met, and he's twice as strong, but I prefer her for bouncing with cards like Curfew at least.
Posted By: Mode (9/24/2013 4:43:57 PM)


Here's an idea of how she ran in Masques:

T1 You drop your cloud sprite. End Turn.

Your opponent drops their land and passes.

T2 You hoodwink their land and swing for 1 with your sprite.

They play the same land again and pass because they can't play anything.

T3 You play War Tax and swing with your sprite again.

They drop a land and cast their two drop creature and pass.

T4 You drop Cutpurse and they either sac the creature or sac one of their lands out of desperation.

From there on in you can just drop Rishadan Ports and more hoodwinks and slowly whittle them down with your smaller drops. If they do get a threat out, just use war tax and it becomes unable to attack.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (2/10/2014 8:15:45 AM)


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