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Community Rating: 2.692 / 5  (26 votes)
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Scary-åss looking mothérfücker.
Posted By: Goatllama (9/13/2010 5:32:30 PM)


@Tynansdtm - Probably because it wouldn't really fit as any other type that's paired with Mercenary...
Posted By: Alsebra (9/22/2012 12:18:17 PM)


Hey, tempting removal bait over here. If your opponent kills it with anything other than an ability then that's a win. They do that then you can sacrifice it to do any number of nasty things and then say "Stupid child. You are not ready to face the things that go bump in the night come back when you know how to play real MAGIC!"
Some people don't understand that MAGIC is a game that involves players and they are just as much a part of the game as any card. Its black cards like this that give the real advantage to playing against a player... If you know how to...
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/24/2013 6:06:26 PM)


Surprise Mercenary blocker. And a pretty good one for the cmc.
If they don't rid themselves of it they have a problem.
Anyways. why is this rated a star lower than Tar Pit Warrior? As most would call it on gatherer, this is a case of "strictly better" if I ever did see one. Unless your opponent plays that Mercenary hosing enchantment.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (8/12/2010 6:10:13 PM)


Errataed to be a Horror? What?

I still have a playset of these, and Phyrexian Drivers.
Posted By: Tynansdtm (8/3/2012 10:58:08 PM)


I don't get it. Who created this card?
Posted By: Ligerman30 (5/13/2012 3:33:01 PM)


I really wish this card had a creature type, mercenary is a job class. just looking at the art he should be a Gremlin or Ogre. His power and toughness is really sweet for 3 mana. And usually he demands removal from the opponent. Also you can't enchant him and expect him to survive either. So yeah you get what you pay for and its a decent sized body.
Posted By: vantha (2/19/2013 5:40:51 AM)


doesn't fit into illusions, sadly.
Posted By: O0oze (11/4/2013 11:12:49 AM)


Tar Pit Warrior, is that you?
Posted By: tcollins (3/20/2014 8:46:48 PM)


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