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Orcs! WotC should have used the 'Orcs are bigger and smarter then Goblins' distinction more.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/19/2010 7:39:25 AM)


@achilleselbow: Exactly what I thought.

I agree with A3Kitsune: They seem exactly the same in this game to me. If that was fleshed out more, maybe I wouldn't get that idea.
Posted By: sarroth (4/25/2011 4:10:24 PM)


Orcs never did get a fair shake in the world of Magic.

This guy is certainly none too bad, especially considering the standards of the day. Abilities like that became quite rare in red after the "color pie" became more established.
Posted By: jfre81 (10/28/2011 3:20:32 AM)


"Orcs! WotC should have used the 'Orcs are bigger and smarter then Goblins' distinction more." -- A3Kitsune

"I agree with A3Kitsune: They seem exactly the same in this game to me. If that was fleshed out more, maybe I wouldn't get that idea. -- sarroth

Agreed! Red has enough dumb races like Goblins and Ogres, we need more smart tacticians. Viashino seem to be comparably smart, but Orcs In Magic tend to get portrayed just as dumb and suicidal as Goblins.
Admittedly, their recklessness is portrayed as being more aware of it, at least regarding the captains.

Warcraft is a big aspect of red afterall, between all the im... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (9/12/2013 2:07:28 PM)


The flavor text suggests that this is a goblin, but the creature type completely contradicts it.
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/5/2010 2:40:05 PM)


Goblins have been there from the beginning, and they flat out had more tribal support and had the tribal trademark of being comically incompetent, barring overwhelming numbers. I don't see orcs as capable of spawning that many belligerent little green berserkers in the amount of time it takes goblins to win a game.

Given, a lot of orc cards have been pasted over with the goblin stamp; Orcish Artillery being reprinted as Goblin Artillery comes to mind.

In the end, WotC clearly wants to represent a core group of tribes in each core set. White gets Soldiers and Knights and Clerics; Blue gets Merfolk and Illusions and Wizards; Black gets Vampires and Zombies; Red gets Goblins and Minotaurs and Elementals, and Green gets Elves, Beasts, and Druids. They seem much more willing to branch a color or some colors into new tribes with every expansion; Allies in Zendikar, Artificers in Scars of Mirrodin, and the Humans, Spirits, Zombies, Vampires, and Wer... (see all)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (11/5/2011 12:17:22 AM)


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