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Needs a class type.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/11/2010 12:47:42 AM)


I think the flavor is that he confiscates a bunch of stuff and when he dies you loot it?
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/30/2011 11:24:05 PM)


@TPmanW: Well, Open the Vaults was printed an entire decade later. Wizards was likely cautious with this effect and maybe thought the card advantage this card can give could be powerful in a control deck or something.

This actually could have found quite a good use as a one-drop in a deck using Time Reversal :D
Posted By: Mode (7/13/2011 3:47:48 AM)


I... what? What's the flavour at work here?
Posted By: Kirbster (12/1/2010 6:49:16 PM)


That is... such a bizarre card.
Posted By: KrosanGardener (12/11/2009 12:39:11 AM)


Huh. I thought at first the removed cards would return, but upon further review, they stay exiled, and only further cards put into the graveyard are affected.
In other words, who designed this POS?
Posted By: Kryptnyt (12/4/2011 11:44:18 PM)


So why wouldn't I just run open the vaults? For one mana more you could skip a step in your combo (killing this guy) and your opponent wouldn't be able to control when it goes off (by bolting this guy).
Posted By: TPmanW (6/1/2011 11:50:11 PM)


The flavour is that he collects destroyed artifacts/enchantments while he's in play and returns them on death. The reason for the exiling is that he couldn't collect things that went away before he was there. It's just a bit kludgy.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/2/2013 5:37:25 PM)


Interesting but often very situational utility card. Mess up enemy Artifact and Enchantment decks or Get him out before you mill your artifact/enchantment decks and then sacrifice him to essentially grab all the artifacts and enchantments you need.

I once ran him alongside Fool's Demise and a self-mill artifact deck with 4 of each Artifact Land and a few copies of Thirst for Knowledge, it was a pretty interesting way to get a handful of useful cards quickly without having to worry about discard effects. This being said, it was in no way a 'competitive' deck.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (3/27/2014 8:54:11 AM)


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