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I guess he used that money to pay for a Raise Dead for his buddy? I don't really understand how the flavor text fits this guy's ability.
Posted By: TDL (5/5/2011 5:14:11 PM)


This is one of the rare occasions where Rebecca Gray draws a scene of violence.
Posted By: Cyberium (5/21/2011 10:06:42 PM)


I just thought of something: Suppose you play Crib Swap on your opponent's creature. Then, you activate the Informer's ability on Strongarm Thug. Then, you use Rathi Assassin to put Strongarm Thug back on the battlefield. The Thug says Mercenary card, not Mercenary permanent card, so you can return Crib Swap back to your hand. Then rinse and repeat. The process is pretty slow because it requires 3 pieces and a lot of mana, so Heartstone could speed this up. What do you guys think?
Posted By: a7141988 (4/12/2010 1:16:56 PM)


that's not very weak leg
Posted By: DaaNz (3/24/2009 7:39:30 AM)


@a7141988: Yes, that would work, but as you say, it's really slow. You're talking 9 mana and four cards to exile one creature. Five cards, if you use the Heartstone.

I suggest ditching the mercenaries and using their more powerful cousins- Rebels. Crib Swap + Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero does exactly what you're describing, but with only two cards and six mana. Still pricy, but easily slid into an existing Rebel deck.
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (3/10/2012 9:07:03 AM)


His arm does look pretty strong alright.
Posted By: Binaro (3/10/2012 7:43:30 PM)


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