Incredible art on a decent card. It really should have cost {2}{W}.
Posted By:
(1/25/2012 4:28:21 PM)
The cost is about more than it should be... But it's still nice and creative for a Bant deck.
Posted By:
(7/25/2009 8:10:08 AM)
It has the same cost as Gerrard's activated ability. That is all.
Posted By:
(1/8/2011 5:47:09 PM)
So beautiful! I love this art! Yes though, sadly the ability is not as sexy as the art, but this is probably playable in bant decks. One of the worst Exalted cards. Compare what you get here with other four coster exalted cards: Rafiq of the Many, (Okay, not quite fair, he is legendary and three color), Rhox Charger, Outrider of Jhess. It is almost always better than the outrider of jhess, but outclassing a mono blue creature is not really bragging rights.
If you want a similar effect in your Bant theme'd deck, may I suggest Diversionary Tactics?
Firmly mediocre. 2/5
Posted By:
(4/13/2012 12:17:22 AM)
Your single attacker becomes Seasoned Marshall until end of turn!!!
Posted By:
(10/15/2010 12:32:19 AM)
It goes great in a Exaluted deck matched with silent arabtor. it is a power full card.
Posted By:
(11/18/2010 10:15:18 AM)
Eh...Really just a middling effect, and for four mana it's difficult to justify it.
Posted By:
(6/1/2009 6:06:09 PM)
use it with baneslayer angel.
Posted By:
(10/20/2009 12:27:24 PM)
like with whispersilk cloak and/or big creatures
Posted By:
(3/9/2010 7:44:53 PM)
This card is not the problem. Exalted in standard is. It is easily chump blocked, kill spelled, returned to hand, etc... This card is great. Combined with, say, Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis you get to sac a creature then tap one more. 2 of these also stack, so that's 2 tapped. The possibilities are endless. You probably don't want to run 4 of them, but it could be powerful in the right hands.
Posted By:
(9/13/2012 10:48:04 PM)