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Kuro is like the definition of suicidal black. I think Kamigawas balck was just a bit to suicidal. See almost any black card with regenerate and Bushido from the set.
Posted By: Demonic_Math_Tutor (1/14/2011 8:47:19 PM)


Nice to wipe the board for free with Children of Korlis.
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (8/5/2010 3:41:09 PM)


Eon Hub that bish and start paying life out the wazoo to slay some b*tches.

Would definitely need some life gain, then again, run near death experience for the most confused win condition ever.
Posted By: Deepfried-Owls (5/23/2011 11:07:17 PM)


I dont know why everyone hates on cards like these,if people are willing to shell out life for putrid leach then this should be a no brainer, AWESOME
Posted By: MrDressup (5/1/2010 9:17:52 AM)


I'm fond of the Deathgreeter machine-gun. With one out, all */1 creatures are gone. With two, all */2 creatures are gone and you gain a net profit on 1-toughness guys. Repeat for Deathgreeters 3 and 4. It's quite fun, especially since once you start gaining life off of weenies you can be bothered to overspend for bigger threats. Plus you've got a gigantic fatty to swing with, so as soon as the board's clear you can take huge chunks out of your opponents' life.
Posted By: CrazyLou (1/8/2011 3:09:03 PM)


His enemy is Kamahl, Pit Fighter.
Posted By: Axelle (5/17/2011 10:15:13 PM)


With the Children, you could gain a huge chunk of life as well.
Start with 20 life,
Use 19 of it to throw -1/-1 counters everywhere,
Sac a Child for 19 life,
Use for 19 more counters,
Sac a Child for 38 life,
Then 57, and 76 life.

True, it's not likely you'd have 20 life by the time you have this out, but multiplying your life by 4 is always helpful.
Posted By: BastianQoU (7/3/2011 8:24:02 PM)


This is not a bad guy to bring back from the graveyard when your Iname as One dies, which means he could be useful in a Reanimator deck using Buried Alive.
Posted By: Salient (8/21/2011 1:22:40 PM)


This card dosn't need trample because of its ablity so you can burn those annying pesty weak regenerating wall-o-wisps
Posted By: Ace8792 (2/17/2010 4:44:46 PM)


Yes, he's a pain to keep up, but his ability + attacking for 9 has won me multiple games. Besides, if it's late-game enough to be playing Kuro, you should be able to handle a 4 mana upkeep.
Posted By: ChaosFire (7/14/2009 9:22:33 AM)


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