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So everyone knowns this card does not combo with Children of Korlis because you pay life not take damage, which is different.
Posted By: Racnornam (12/2/2012 2:58:42 PM)


I want this ability on a 1/1 body. But I guess Jitte already did it...
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/13/2011 2:39:02 AM)


Huge, but probably more trouble than he's worth in most decks. Only really useful in Commander, where his high casting cost + upkeep + cost of his abilties won't seem so overwhelming.
Posted By: Radagast (10/24/2011 12:48:24 PM)


Actually a very useful Commander in decks optimized for him. Someone in my playgroup runs him with a lot of lifelink effects, which gives him more than enough life to machine-gun every threat on the table at instant speed. The huge upkeep cost is a pity though; nowadays they'd just make him Mythic Rare without the drawback.
He and Griselbrand are best buddies.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (4/24/2012 10:00:40 AM)


Just found my EDH Commander! =D
Posted By: Megapossum (6/17/2012 4:37:18 AM)


At least this looks more awesome than Kagemaro xP

This is actually not that bad for Demon art, when you factor that you *DO* want it to look distinctly non-Western. This is fairly wierd in a fairly good way. But, still, I've seen better anime/manga demons that could be very demonic, very Japanese, and very awesome. Sorta thinking Digimon-crossed-with-Deathnote here? :P
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/2/2012 11:58:43 PM)


Epic artwork, but he's a bit cumbersome for my liking.
Posted By: psychichobo (4/17/2013 3:25:06 PM)


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