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Community Rating: 3.198 / 5  (58 votes)
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even trap cost is a bit high, but considering it is pyroclasm x2 with 2 lands blown up, for cmc 5, and because they wanted to play 2 lands this turn, there are so many times this could trigger, fetch lands, scopes, it isnt too bad
Posted By: Dingo777 (10/19/2009 7:56:51 AM)


The first thing that came to mind was Harrow.
Posted By: Etregan (12/18/2009 10:58:08 PM)


pyroclasm and chain reaction are much more reliable
Posted By: splitego (3/30/2010 2:24:28 PM)


@ coyote... yes, yes I am.
Posted By: lorendorky (9/14/2010 7:19:47 PM)


I really like the effect, but both costs are too high imo, unless you splash it into some ind of red/green with only >4 toughness creatures... definitely an interesting card.

I dream of one day playing this with an active pyromancer ascension, my god that would de devastating, the opponent has just fetched a land, and suddenyl he is down 4 lands and all his creatures gone
Posted By: Sironos (1/13/2011 7:06:31 AM)


Finds a home in the format of ramping: EDH. Still hard to leave all that mana open, and in EDH 4 damage may not be enough to wipe the board, so you're dealing with that. Yeah...
Finds a home in budget EDH!
Posted By: TPmanW (5/16/2014 2:11:47 PM)


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