The Vial basically doubled your output for the rest of the (now very short) game. That is overpowered.
The Lift still allows instant-speed creatures when you're tapped out without being ban-worthy. Plus, the game could always use more winch counters.
Posted By:
(12/1/2010 8:16:05 PM)
This isn't a useless, old version of Aether Vial. It's a still quite useful, balanced version of Aether Vial! Plus it uses winch counters, which certifies it as awesome.
Posted By:
(5/9/2012 2:33:32 PM)
"Remember that a) this is an old card and therefore is bound to have a wacky cost"
Many cards from Masques block, and earlier, had reasonable mana costs (ok, mostly just earlier cards). This is just a little too "wacky" to have ever been appealing. I think Metathran Aerostat was a much better design from this same set. Obviously, Aether Vial is also a good design; the problem is it's a little too good. There's still a solid unmade card out there, somewhere in the middle ground.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 11:52:51 AM)
A rather useless version of Aether Vial.
Even without the mana cost to add the counter, it would most often be too slow since you have to remove all counters once you put a creature into play.
It would be an interesting card if it could be charged for {{X}},{{T}}, though.
I have no idea why a card like this needed special counters and couldn't just use charge counters...possibly for flavour reasons, yet this makes it further useless for combos.
Posted By:
(8/4/2009 3:52:27 PM)
Remember that a) this is an old card and therefore is bound to have a wacky cost and b) that Aether Vial was so good it was banned. I think this is a pretty reasonable alternative for the casual table. Being able to drop in a surprise creature is not to be underestimated.
Posted By:
(7/2/2010 2:54:30 PM)
Don't know why this was a Rare. Not good enough to be a Rare, should have just been an Uncommon. It would actually be a decent artifact if it didn't require you to tap a land every turn to gain its benefit.
Posted By:
(1/16/2010 12:13:24 AM)
WOOHOO! Winch Counters! Quite possibly the most ridiculous counter yet. They probably decided not to use Charge Counters on the off chance the 1 for 1 efficiency could be used later by shifting them onto something less mana-friendly.
As it is, this is one of the worst mana storage devices I've seen yet. Really makes me appreciate all those Mana Batteries.
Posted By:
(4/10/2010 10:24:42 PM)
Actually, this design looks very, VERY similar to the cycle of Storage lands from Time Spiral (EG: Calciform Pools). You do net less mana, but the end result gives you more, even without abusing it. Let's say you're stuck at 3 lands, but have a 5-cost creature in your hand. With this out, you have something mana can sink into, and you can play something that you otherwise would've have trouble playing.
Does well with Vorel of the Hull Clade and the infamous Doubling Season.
Posted By:
(9/9/2013 7:37:19 PM)