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18scsc actualy has a much better deck than he claims. the way i've seen him play it he usualy has all 7 quest counters on it the turn he plays it. and he is right about the instantainios +'s. you try to survive 10 6/6's in extended on turn 3.

Dingo777 putting all the conters on it on turn 3 is easy, any one who would not have it on at least turn 4 should not have it in there deck. turn 5 is 2 turns to deal with it, and when most enchantment removles cost 2 or 3, if the opponint runs them, there most likely going to be able to kill it. so if you assume its going to triger turn 5, you would be right, but it isnt, just get used to the idea of 60 or so damage and run fog.

Sidek, this card is not horrible, in a swarm deck, 7 creaturs almost never dose the job on there own. and the abillity trigers befor they can block, meaning the creaturs are most likely going to survive, as under most surcumstances your creaturs are going to have at least 6 tughness.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (6/19/2010 6:28:58 PM)


Suddenly Eldrazi Spawn spat out by Nest Invaders and Kozilek's Predators and the Plants spat out by Khalni Gardens and Avenger of Zendikars can beat Baneslayer Angels. Wonderful.
Posted By: DonRoyale (7/5/2010 2:34:16 PM)


I've been using this in deck with a lot of Eldrazi Spawn generators, and it's worked out great. I've had matches where I had two of these out and went from 0 counters to 7 in one attack, dropping 80+ damage on their heads thanks to emrakul's hatcher and kozilek's predator. Even if they do a board wipe, with +10/+10 on anything I bring out it's hard to deal with.
Posted By: Nicoch (7/23/2010 1:17:36 AM)


I would've actually preferred this to be +3/+3 and trample, but can't really complain. This is definitely replacing Hellion Eruption in my spawn deck.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/29/2010 7:31:42 AM)


This seems reaaaally easy to combo with an eldrazi token deck -- use kozilek's predator, emrakul's hatcher, nest invader, brood birthing, etc. Then, plop this down and boom, swing with 7+ 5/5s.
Posted By: cdela12345 (9/13/2010 12:57:35 AM)


My personal favorite in the ascension cycle. I mean, come on. That's five tigers. Not a lot out there that can beat five tigers.

But seriously, there's a lot of utility here. And the price is about perfect; you can get it out early in the game to assure that you'll activate it before the game ends. And activation of this will probably end the game anyway.
Posted By: Zulp (10/7/2010 2:40:57 PM)


"Death from above?" asks my nervous opponent, just before I cast this and swing with a herd of Eldrazi spawn and Plant tokens. Yes sir. Good game. For me, at least. :)
Posted By: Twinsuit (10/23/2010 1:12:06 PM)


Let's say this card is in play and I attack with seven 0/1 Eldrazi Spawn tokens. Will the +5/+5 effect immediately be applied to those tokens, effectively making me attack with seven 5/6 Eldrazi Spawn tokens, or does it not go into effect until the turn is over...?
Posted By: Trakanon (11/9/2010 12:37:55 PM)


If you cannot beat them, join them. I have made a B/G eldrazi spawn sacrifice deck, and I'm definitely gonna include this.
T1: Khalni garden
T2: forest, nest invader
T3: khanlni garden, nest invader
T4: kozilek's predatorT5: beastmaster ascension, swing with 6 creatures at 5/6, 2 at 7/7 and 1 at 8/8.
I'm kinda new to playing green, so this can probably be more efficient, post your beast master ascension play (preferably standard legal).

This is the only ascension that can activate on the turn it drops, and has the most dramatic effect imo. In the right deck It's kinda like a 3 CMC empowered overrun without trample that stays in play, so even if the opponent has some trick like fog, you're not completely fogged. Best of the ascensions imo.
Posted By: Sironos (12/19/2010 11:13:37 AM)


Dragon foder, you say? Nice enugh, but try casting Fists of Ironwood on your Chater of the Squirel token...
hehehe, tokens Rule casual!h.
Posted By: HoboColin (12/31/2010 7:05:49 AM)


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