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Community Rating: 4.110 / 5  (237 votes)
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Turn 4 too slow for you? Activate this friendly enchantment a turn earlier by showing a Chancellor of the Dross from your opening hand!
Posted By: Emcee117 (1/30/2013 10:08:43 AM)


Another card that combos well with Sanguine Bond. I believe that this will be an new archtype of decks with all the life shifting you can do in the this set. 5/5
Posted By: ZioKai (9/26/2009 11:44:59 AM)


You mean megrim can now rest and head out to the overrated pile of shit cards.
Maybe I'm being too harsh, It's kick ass in casual but not worth the cardboard its printed on in tourneys
And holy shit you can build decks around this bloodchief ascension
Posted By: PeterRabit (9/25/2009 11:39:42 PM)


glimpse the unthinkable = win
Posted By: desolation_masticore (2/4/2011 4:05:43 AM)


The stupid thing about this card is quite simple.

To activate it you need to deal damage to the opponent, so you are already on the road to victory.
When it is active it can win you the game, but it wins you the game for not winning the game.
since you were already on the road to win, but then it gets active and you have to focus on board control or milling. so this card distract you from the real goal.

So this card is to slow for aggro.
an awful combo card, since you could either focus on winning via damage or milling, now you have to do both.
and it doesn't really help control decks, since it doesn't give board control and it isn't finisher since it can win the game alone (at least not before it is active).

I only find use for it in draft.

otherwise it is either a win-more card. or a wasted slot. but it is cool anyway, just not a good card.
Posted By: theis999 (4/28/2010 2:28:07 AM)


From the wording of the rulings, they don't actually mean "Card", its just the only word they could use.
In reality its "if ANYTHING goes to the graveyard from anywhere".
So not only does this cover milling, discard, spells, and creature death.... but it also covers token death. An important aspect to note.
Posted By: psyklone (5/6/2010 12:30:42 PM)


The card states "At the beginning of each end step"... Now, to my knowledge, and the "The Dynamics of a Turn order", there are 5 phases. within each phase, there are multiple "end steps". And if opponent has taken 2 or more damage at the beginning of the turn (say gets lightning bolted at the untap step), then goes on to the combat phase, second main phase, then end phase. It would go to reason that there have been 2 - 5 "steps" ending within that one turn. SO, at the end of each "step", is it getting a counter? The language of the card certainly reads like it would.
Thanks for any help clarifying!
Posted By: phylo (6/8/2011 6:57:13 PM)


What a horribly broken and overpowered card.

One mana. Three counters. 2 damage by EACH end step. Even if this were something beyond a mythic rare, it would still be *** ridiculous and incredibly broken.

Cards like this just squeeze all the fun out of the game.
Posted By: Ladnarud (5/21/2010 12:02:17 AM)


glimse the unthinkable
Posted By: stille_nacht (8/5/2011 1:17:00 PM)


Simply awesome. Very good in aggro decks that can play it on turn 1 or 2 before a creature attack. Then when the cards for the aggro deck are over, this will just have three counters and you get a dominating board position for the rest of the game... game which you probably are going to win.
Posted By: TheHappyReaper (10/2/2009 6:40:00 AM)


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