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Community Rating: 4.110 / 5  (237 votes)
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Well it has to sit there for 3 turns, per say, but it can be active the turn after you play it.
t1) goblin guide/lacerator
t2) bloodchief, swing for 2
t2 - opponents turn,burn opponent for 2+
t3) find some way to deal 2+ end turn, tadaa active
t4) Mind funeral?? for 8+ life drain (in fact if it mills 3 more you should win )

Also Bloodchief's Ascension + Memory Erosion make for an interesting combo, every spell they play becomes 4-6 life drain for you, that can be hard going for an opponent plus it works in multiplayer formats.
Posted By: Wraggles (10/14/2009 1:13:08 AM)


this card is ridiculous!

very good in black/red control/discard with lightning bolt and blightning and such
Posted By: mordecai17 (10/21/2009 12:48:42 AM)


OMGZZZZ!!!!! Its like a Megrim on the Bloodchief's steroids!!!! Even better because it counts any card like when you mill them, discard them, or even clear the board (or just kill some of there guysz) LOLZZZZZ
Posted By: DarthKithkin (10/30/2009 10:02:32 AM)


I'd say Megrim is officially 'pimped'...I like this in my red/black with Lightning Bolt, Blightning, and the Hippie Brothers (Hippie, Guul Draz Hippie and Sedraxis Hippie if playing three color R/B/U or B/U).
Posted By: djpraiseadelik (11/7/2009 5:04:16 PM)


This card is amazing. Im running it with manabarbs and Blightning. The manabarbs will charge it on ur oppenents turn if he taps two land and these two cards alone will annihilate ur opponent if he doesnt concede or remove them plus it turns a blightning into two card discard and 7 points of dmg!!! This card can get nutty in a hurry. Love it.
Posted By: richter25 (11/8/2009 8:42:34 AM)


Maybe it can cause massive damage if there's a Sanguine Bond on your side then casting Mind Funeral, or Tome Scour
Posted By: ReturnToSender (11/10/2009 6:44:23 PM)


dont even need to activate it, playing this even late game puts my opponent on tilt so much he loses the game in his head almost istantly
Posted By: selamaleth (11/19/2009 4:37:18 PM)


Man. *** Megrim. THIS is my new jawn.
Posted By: jetzine (12/3/2009 6:36:51 AM)


This kills Megrim. Discard is looking better to me because of this card. Also, an Extractor Demon's other effect has some use in a non-mill deck.
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (12/6/2009 6:33:23 PM)


playing a standard two-headed giant game soon thinking of running red/black burn and partner running blue/black mill
Posted By: signok79 (12/25/2009 10:10:38 PM)


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