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Community Rating: 1.652 / 5  (66 votes)
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They better reprint Deadly Recluse...
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (4/25/2010 7:16:01 PM)


I can't realy see a spider in this... It looks like some insect with a big *** on his head! :/
Posted By: Toversnol (3/15/2011 7:35:16 AM)


Hey, do you know what the cheap uncommon flier that is most responsible for dominating zen limited as soon as it hits the table is? Vampire nighthawk.
Hey, do you know what great flier grappler spider can't even trade with is? Vampire nighthawk.

I mean really, the only way to deal with that thing in limited without paying 5 mana or sacrificing something is journey to nowhere. This could have been a great common answer to a card that can just win by its self but no, we got garbage.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (1/11/2011 12:37:40 PM)


Eh, in a set like Worldwake, I think we can handle a kind of crappy common in exchange for nearly all the other cards in the pack being solid.
Posted By: 1qazxsw (2/23/2012 4:41:10 AM)


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