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@ Arachibutyrophobia:
Usually when you use Devastation, you try to win the game with your artifacts and enchantments. Or float additional mana and play a creature afterward. Or go the Greater Gargadon route.

If you're just firing it off with no way to capitalize on it, then you're probably just trolling, and I think most people will concede. At that point you're right -- why not just start over?
Posted By: voyager1 (1/11/2012 1:53:03 PM)


Like Ace8792 said, this is where our beloved Planeswalker come in for the kill. Hello Liliana!! ;)
Posted By: Richard_Hawk (9/24/2010 6:42:20 PM)


NOTE: Artifacts, Enchantments, and Plainwalkers still live after you play this card.
Posted By: Ace8792 (8/11/2010 1:56:05 PM)


...or you can prepare for the aftermath of this spell by suspending things.
Posted By: Zovc (8/16/2009 10:01:04 PM)


Try Jokulhaups.
Posted By: nammertime (12/30/2009 8:55:31 AM)


thats when you take charge with small red creatures such as Raging goblin and do small damage with cards like Lightning Bolt and kill them when they are defensless
Posted By: Rafiqofthemany (8/12/2009 12:04:53 PM)


Yes..nice..but what do you do once everything is destroyed? You might as well restart the game.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/6/2009 11:32:52 PM)


@Ace: Actually, plainswalkers like Zodiac Rooster won't survive, given that they're creatures :P

In seriousness, I like this better than Obliterate, even if it does less. Mostly because this can be countered, so I leave my opponents an opportunity to answer what will likely be a game-deciding play if it goes unanswered, given that I've likely set myself up with something like Ghostway to start off strong after the "reset." Obliterate only gives them a response if they run some more obscure and more expensive counters like Mindbreak Trap, and as such will be more likely to be an "oops, I win" card. I would rather have my opponents stop me from winning than hate having played because they felt they had no chance at all.
Posted By: sarroth (9/11/2013 5:43:16 PM)


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