To be fair, have you ever tried beating up a huge fire with a sledgehammer?
Posted By:
(1/6/2011 7:47:13 PM)
Comparing to Fire Elemental, which is a direct inversion for the same mana cost, it seems like this was before the realisation that 1 power = 2 toughness (not always, but as a general rule) so from that perspective he should have been a 4/6 in my opinion. Besides, I would expect something made of stone to be alot tougher than something made of fire.
Posted By:
(12/14/2010 12:37:04 AM)
Looks good in draft. There's better. Much better. Always has been (I'd rather Run Shivan). But a 4/5 is still nothing to scoff at. Imagine dropping him in an M10 draft.
Posted By:
(10/19/2009 2:18:12 PM)
One of the derpiest arts of any card I have ever seen. I keep four of these JUST for that artwork.
4/5 stars. (Haha.)
Posted By:
(8/7/2012 12:16:17 AM)
Really weird seeing this card while watching The Fantastic Four
Posted By:
(10/31/2012 11:09:33 AM)
Idk why someone feels the need to leave the same dipshit comment on every version of this card.
Posted By:
(7/7/2013 4:47:33 PM)
This art is terrible. It looks like a fat guy trying to take a dump in the desert.
Posted By:
(8/1/2013 12:43:16 PM)
Hey Ben Grimm, could you please put on some pants?
Posted By:
(4/12/2014 7:36:40 PM)