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Actually, it's Glorious Anthem that's strictly better; Honor of the Pure won't pump your artifact creatures.
Posted By: Ragamander (2/27/2011 3:46:45 AM)


Back in the day this was another way to get an extra Crusade on the board, or if you needed it, a Crusade that worked for Artifact Creatures too. There weren't a ton of good Artifact Creatures back then, but your average White Weenie deck might have a few Ornithopters thrown in anyway just to fend off the odd flier. With this on the board your Ornithopter could last a bit longer, and maybe kill something in the process.

These days it's been rendered completely obsolete by Glorious Anthem, and that wasn't even a recent development. Just goes to show you what WotC thought would be powerful and reasonable back in the day, versus what actually was. I will say that if they printed something like this for 2 CMC I'd use it, no questions. They might even be able to get away with 1 CMC due to the color restriction.
Posted By: yyukichigai (9/5/2011 3:32:46 PM)


However, don't be afraid to draft this! people will pass it up most of the time so you can often get multiples.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/12/2011 5:09:05 AM)


No, you would actally have to flash a non-artifact creature into play. But apart from that convoluted combo, this card sucks quite hard. There is almost no reason to play this over Honor of the Pure which costs half the mana with no drawback.

@Ragamander: but Honor costs one mana less to play, making it better in a mono white deck.
Posted By: Arachnos (2/28/2011 8:39:28 PM)


Awesome card.
You got an army of 3/3 guys. With this card they are 4/4. Then someone plays that card with "all creatures with power 4 or higher are destroyed". So in response you flash some artifact creature in play, your creatures become 3/3 again and live!
Posted By: majinara (12/5/2010 9:14:31 AM)


I think they should reprint this, if only to give it a new illustration. A card called "Angelic Voices" could be the subject of a very beautiful illustration, I bet.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/30/2013 9:49:20 AM)


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