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Community Rating: 4.319 / 5  (58 votes)
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Well it is basically one mana more than most Zombify type animations but it gets multi uses (if not countered) AND works also on enemy creatures and artifacts. I think the balance in this card is pretty good and there is room for one in many of my decks.
Posted By: PEGU (8/25/2011 6:44:14 PM)


Why hello there Life's Finale!!!
Posted By: Ouroborobelisk (1/13/2012 4:07:07 AM)


This card's effect is very interesting: artifact reanimation is not seen very often, and stealing artifact from opponent's graveyard was never printed on a card before.
Posted By: Paolino (1/27/2012 2:06:20 AM)


Excellent card.
I have been looking at it since it first came out but frankly did not see the potence of this card. Just about the time big creatures start hitting your graveyard or an opponents, thats when youve got the mana to start bringing back horrible creatures and artifacts. Im putting a playset of these in every deck they'll fit in.
Posted By: donjohnson (11/21/2009 4:25:51 PM)


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