If you actually read the flavor text, you'd realize that a handful (probably about six) of pikemen (not walls, although they would both have about two power) held off 3 craw wurms. With a pikeman being a 2/1 with first strike, then two of them could take down 1 wurm and a handful could take down 3.
Posted By:
(4/9/2012 6:55:37 PM)
Not the worst or the best wall out there but being colorless helps.
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 7:06:08 AM)
two of them would.
Posted By:
(8/8/2010 4:47:04 PM)
not just A craw wurm, but a TRIO! :D
Posted By:
(9/14/2010 11:41:34 PM)
Actually, it would hold it off. Craw Wurm doesn't have trample.
Posted By:
(1/28/2012 11:45:42 AM)
So is this why Craw Wurm doesn't have rampage anymore, while Craw Giant does? Darn pesky peasant-pikemen, you halted the Wurms' evolution! Now I just need to find out when and how they lost trample...
Posted By:
(1/28/2012 5:00:37 PM)
Type your comment here.
Posted By:
(9/22/2011 7:01:15 PM)
this would NOT beat a craw wurm, buddy.
Posted By:
(8/3/2010 11:22:42 AM)