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Is this the only black card with metalcraft?
Posted By: TDL (6/27/2011 9:40:06 PM)


These vampires art is bit awkward .

They look like clones of Edward scissor-hands.

What was wrong with the look of the original mirrodin vampires? They looked much better.

Posted By: OutlawD1 (9/25/2010 11:15:35 AM)


Come no wizards, I know you've given us infect, but don't forget about vamps. Forget about those colourless artifacts and give us back our colour pie. It's just so much more interesting to have creatures of different colours than these boring robots filling up the card spots. This vampire doesn't even fit in a vampire deck, which will not have enough artifacts for this to be worth it.
Posted By: Sironos (10/21/2010 8:14:53 AM)


Bet he has trouble pulling up his zipper...or picking his nose...or playing piano...or virtually anything that requires you to use your hands without making a 7 inch hole in whatever you're using
Posted By: Superllama12 (6/14/2011 11:41:28 AM)


Vampire fans everywhere hope this is not another Mephidross Vampire
Posted By: Danveldo (9/25/2010 3:40:04 AM)


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