thats right, that is a F***ing Gundam any questions?
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 2:58:53 PM)
It's pretty weird seeing all these old artifacts that should be equipment but came out before Mirrodin introduced the idea.
Posted By:
(12/24/2010 11:29:49 AM)
Another equipment card (besides Manaforce Mace) that could be a good substitute for this is Opaline Bracers depending on your deck build.
Posted By:
(11/30/2012 9:27:37 AM)
This is so much worse than Manaforce Mace. Yes, you can activate this at instant speed, but at least the Mace only needs to be equipped once.
Posted By:
(12/2/2012 12:10:30 PM)
definetly better than manaforce mace, since this one gives versatility
Posted By:
(4/28/2010 12:17:59 PM)
I disagree. At least the manaforce mace only needs to be equipped once. Still, both have really bad mana costs.
Posted By:
(4/30/2010 6:07:25 PM)
This looks more like star wars than magic, bad art.
Posted By:
(5/30/2011 2:01:26 PM)
Possibly the only proto-equipment ever reprinted.
Posted By:
(1/10/2012 1:30:04 PM)
This thing appears on a terrifying amount of cards from that block.
It's also not that bad. Not great, but in the deck it was pretty irritating for someone to suddenly have a creature get +5/+5 right when they didn't need it to.
Posted By:
(10/7/2012 8:19:34 AM)