There are ways you can work around his draw back.
'At the beginning of your turn, Mirrorweave targeting my Cosmic Horror.'
'I Donate my Cosmic Horror.'
Eon Hub (You can also use this with Cumulative Upkeep type cards)
You can also Fling or Sacrifice it.
There are uses for it and a 7/7 for 7 with now drawbacks is currently not available in Black, just find a way to work around the cost.
Posted By:
(4/22/2011 10:51:28 AM)
@Zuty: it's 6, not 7, mana.
This used to be good, now with Darksteel Plate this is awesome. A 7/7 firststriker for 8 without any drawbacks.
Posted By:
(5/18/2011 1:38:23 AM)
Summon Horrible Creature
Posted By:
(5/10/2010 6:07:02 PM)
Summon Horror man!
Posted By:
(7/27/2009 10:47:28 PM)
Posted By:
(9/21/2009 2:45:58 PM)
At Duels of the Planeswalkers 1998 this creatures was a powerhouse
... but that was kinda cuzz all the other cards sucked too. and you started with 8 or 9 Life.
at that time this guy was a main beater vs green, with his awesome artwork!
and that was all there was too it!
3/5 for the flavor
Posted By:
(12/10/2010 12:33:22 PM)
Spearbreaker Behemoth or Darksteel Plate and you're golden.
Posted By:
(5/31/2013 4:23:28 AM)
The art makes me give this 3/5 :D The card is 2/5 - the drawback is very hefty.
Posted By:
(6/2/2013 6:10:55 AM)
If you can make it indestructible the drawback ceases to exist.
Posted By:
(6/9/2013 8:58:53 PM)
Well in his day, this thing dominated most creatures out there.
Posted By:
(10/26/2013 11:10:25 PM)