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Community Rating: 2.431 / 5  (36 votes)
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4 mana? 3, and this could be playable, but 4?
Posted By: A3Kitsune (5/27/2010 10:59:25 PM)


A pinger that can't be terrored, can be bolted, can be pinged, combos with Stasis because it never taps (unlike Prodigal Sorcerer). It seems like most people put land in their decks so it shouldn't be too hard to find something to play it on. If you think of it as a strickly offensive pinger that's harder to get rid of, it's not such an awful card really.
Posted By: Opeth2010 (9/2/2010 10:02:13 AM)


3.5/5 for the art mainly. This card was weak even when it came out.
Posted By: SweetZombiJesus (11/18/2010 9:41:15 AM)


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